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民兵抓著了一个特务。The militiaman walked the spy off.

民兵把那个特务带走了。The militiaman walked the spy off.

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他由一个民兵看守着。Hew as watched over by a militiaman.

一位民兵偶然注意到了这个坏家伙。A militiaman happened to notice the rascal.

王海是个工人,也是个民兵。Wang Hai is a worker and a militiaman as well.

当一个民兵,牺牲了性命也是光荣的。For a militiaman to sacrifice himself is glorious.

“用炸药炸他狗日的。”一个民兵喊道。"Let's blow him up with TNT, " said another militiaman.

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“哟!”一个民兵说,“这就对了。得拉着她走!”"Aiya! " said a militiaman . "That's the way! Pull her! "

翌日,一个叛乱武装分子来到我的房间,他的两侧各站着一名扛着机枪的18岁青年。The next day a militiaman entered my room, flanked by two 18-year-olds carrying machine guns.

翌日,一个叛乱武装分子来到我的房间,他的两侧各站着一名扛着机枪的18岁青年。The next day a militiaman entered my room, flanked by two 18-year-olds carrying machine guns.“Dr.

翌日,一个叛乱武装分子来到我的房间,他的两侧各站着一名扛着机枪的18岁青年。The next day a militiaman entered my room, flanked by two 18-year-olds carrying machine guns. “Dr.

“当人们所生存的国家改变”,人们才能在不知不觉中改变,一名改过自新的民兵如是说。"When the country in which they live changes", people change unrecognisably, a reformed militiaman explains.

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一位十九岁的学生正在护理受伤的左腿,那是被一个民兵用电动警棍打伤的。A 19-year-old student was nursing his left leg, struck by a militiaman with an electric-shock-delivering baton.

如果那里有一个民兵或另一个角色在这个房间,玩家角色可以移动穿越这个角色放置在旁边的空房间。If there is a militiaman or another character in this space, the character can move through him to reach an empty space.

如果那里有一个民兵或另一个角色在这个房间,玩家角色可以移动穿越这个角色放置在旁边的空房间。If there is a militiaman or another character in this space, the character can move through them to reach an empty space.

“我们必须守住这里”,民兵组织成员萨赫尔.阿尔萨义迪这天下午在该市中心的叛军司令部表示。“We have to hold on here, ” said Saheer al-Saidi, a militiaman speaking at rebel command post inside the town that afternoon.

逊尼派相信,停尸间是由什叶派的武装团体所控制,任何想来探视亲人遗体的逊尼派人士,都可能被杀害或逮捕。The morgue is deemed by Sunni to be under the control of Shia militiaman who may kill or arrest Sunni looking for murdered relatives.

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再次,应加强国防动员力量建设,提高预备役部队和民兵建设质量。Once more, should strengthen the national defense mobilization strength construction, enhances the reserve duty army and the militiaman constructs the quality.

这张照片摄于1936年西班牙内战中的科尔多瓦前线,画面捕捉了一名身穿白色衬衫的共和军士兵遭子弹击中一刻身体后倾,手臂张开,手中的步枪滑落的场景。"The Falling Soldier" picture taken on the Cordoba front in 1936 shows the white-shirted militiaman reeling backwards, his arm flung out as he drops his rifle.

在刚果民主共和国东部动乱地区驱逐武装分子的行动中,一名联合国士兵和其他几个人死亡。United Nations soldier was one of several people killed in an operation to drive a militiaman from a troubled area in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.