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匪徒袭击无防御的村庄。The bandits descended upon the defenceless village.

军队肆无忌惮地屠杀手无寸铁的民众。Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.

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这位老板有一个作弄孤立无助的下级的恶习。The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless subordinates.

羊很笨,还很脏,并且完全柔弱无依。Not only are they dumb and dirty, sheep are utterly defenceless.

他发现自己在防守一个英国并没有设防的殖民地。He found himself defending a colony that Britain had left almost defenceless.

曹中军只是个毫无防备的无辜受害者,这给他的家庭带来了毁灭性的伤害。This was a defenceless man, an innocent victim. It has had devastating repercussions for his family.

那是因为你的内心深处感觉到这是错误的,杀害手无寸铁、无辜的动物是多么不义啊!Because you felt, in your inmost soul, that it is wrong, that it is unjust to kill a defenceless and innocent being!

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他们坚持认为,“保护责任”并非新事物,而是一种在既往保护无助者政策之上的修订。It's not meant to be a grand new doctrine or policy, they insist, rather a modest “strategy” for protecting the defenceless.

他们坚持,“保护责任”并不意味着一个全新的学说或政策诞生,而只是一个试图保护无助百姓的温和“战略”。It’s not meant to be a grand new doctrine or policy, they insist, rather a modest “strategy” for protecting the defenceless.

国民党当时已经被迫放弃首都,当日军到达时,这座城市已经失去抵抗能力。The Nationalists had had to abandon their capital and the city was left defenceless when Japanese troops arrived at the gates.

啊真好,你回来了。我们都为你的突然消失感到担心,然而没有你英勇的保卫,可怜的没有防御的中国会怎么样呢。Ah good you're back. We were getting worried at your absence and how poor defenceless China would fare without you valiantly defending it.

我是绝不会屈服的,但是我害怕出现什么特殊的事让我屈服了,因为我第一次犯错就是我没有防护的能力。It cannot be that I shall yield one inch, yet I am in terror as to what an accident might lead to, and I so defenceless on account of my first error.

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虽然在一间满是人的房间里只有你一人没穿衣服会很难为情,但是我也清楚地知道他们对我不存在任何不健康的想法,在画室里裸体和在现代社会的其他地方裸体是不一样的。You are naked and defenceless in front of a room full of people, but it's not the same brash nudity you see everywhere in modern society. It's more spiritual.

没有我的队友,没有她们雪橇中带着的必要物资,我在南极的极低气温中是完全没有抵御能力的。Without my team and the vital equipment they were pulling along in their sledges I was completely defenceless against the fatally low temperatures of Antarctica.

因此,你的组织所支持的是一个允许中上阶层的人获取氢弹而穷人只有靠手枪而变得毫无防御能力的一个项目。So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenceless with just handguns.

同样那些文件资料还显示了丘吉尔不顾其内阁同僚的劝阻,一意孤行,想把毫无抵御能力的德国村庄夷为平地,以示对纳粹分子在捷克的残酷暴行的报复。They also show that he was willing, against the advice of his Cabinet colleagues, to "wipe out" defenceless German villages in retaliation for Nazi atrocities in Czechoslovakia.