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外面的天空很黑,也很怪异。The sky outside was eerie and dark.

他们真的很可怕,像融化过一样。The really were eerie. Like, melted.

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很可怕。很可怕。It was very eerie. It was very eerie.

晚上的办公室是个比较怪异的地方。The office is an eerie place at night.

如此戏剧性的转变令人毛骨悚然。The transformation is so dramatic it is eerie.

但并不熄灭它们那奇异的火焰。Reddens , but does not quench their eerie flame.

那栋老屋即使在白天也有一种神秘可怖的气氛。That old house is an eerie place even in the day.

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没有人在号啕大哭。只是死一般的寂静。There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence.

一名顾客经过阴森恐怖的杰克逊童话画作。A customer walks past the eerie Jackson fairy tale painting.

这个剧的布景和它的恐怖气氛十分协调。The scenery chimed perfectly with the eerie mood of the play.

这座车站怪诞的鲜亮色彩对曾经太多的虚幻黎明是一种提醒。The station's eerie brightness is a reminder of too many false dawns.

美国和欧洲都视10月31日为阴森的节庆。This eerie festivity is observed in America and Europe on October 31.

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它的诡秘和悄无声息更增添了它的神奇。The very stealth, the eerie quietness, of the thing makes it more magical.

我们第一位读者贡献的太空照是奇异的“闪烁太空气泡”。Our first reader-contributed space photo was an eerie glowing space bubble.

它身上的荧光点在蓝光下散发着诡异的光芒。Under blue light, the spots on this shark fluoresce, creating an eerie glow.

这些进行攻击的万帕用了一种带有奇怪银色眼睛的生物戏服。These wampa attacks used a version of the creature suit with eerie silver eyes.

夜归的出租车把你带到了一片令人毛骨悚然的墓园。A late night cab ride takes a dark turn when you get stuck in an eerie cemetery.

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这些原始型的可怕动物是唯一一种以吸血为生的哺乳动物。These archetypal eerie animals are the only mammals that subsist solely on blood.

尽管这种新装置与现今大多数夜视摄像头一样会发出令人毛骨悚然的绿光,但前者的独特之处是重量不到100克。Like most of today's night vision cameras, So's device emits an eerie green light.

高原风笛神秘的哀鸣有着让人无法抗拒的深情。There is something undeniably soulful about the eerie whine of the highland bagpipes.