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我们深恶痛绝那个无赖。We abominated the rascal.

这个流氓是个好色之徒。The rascal is a randy man.

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我是谁?你这个老顽童。Who am I, you old rascal ?

你这个小淘气滚开。You little rascal eff off.

她被一个流氓引诱而失去了贞操。She was ruined by a rascal.

他是一个多么厚颜无耻的无赖之徒!What an impudent rascal he is!

我不会宽恕你,你这个无赖。I will not pardon you, you rascal.

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那个无赖被轰出大厅。That rascal was hooted out of the hall.

这时,他还只是个小有名的恶棍。He was at that time only a famous rascal.

无赖行为流氓,恶棍,捣蛋鬼的行为或特点。Behavior or character typical of a rascal.

一位民兵偶然注意到了这个坏家伙。A militiaman happened to notice the rascal.

我要饲逮注浙个流氓,溉狠狠揍他一顿不可!If I ever catch the rascal I'll really wallop him!

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她骂他流氓,他一听就火冒三丈。She called him a rascal and at that he bridled up.

警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal.

大家叫那大的红头坏蛋。Everybody called the older one a red-headed rascal.

亲爱的,谈一场不耍流氓的恋爱,好不好?Dear, sipping don't play rascal of be in love, okay?

衣衬褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran.

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好女怕缠郎,坏女怕流氓。Good girl afraid of wrap lang, bad woman afraid rascal.

我要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘。I want to make a mental the rascal lives on a nice girl.

这流氓老是假意帮助这个老人,其实是在愚弄他。The rascal is always giving the old man a stone for bead.