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大家可以在牧民朋友的家里,尝尝酥油茶,休息一下。We can drink ghee tee at the herds' homes to have a rest.

当牛奶基本上快要煮干,加入印度酥油,并搅拌均匀。When milk dries up completely, add pure ghee to stir continuously.

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说了多少次了,她们还是放很多酥油。Even after telling many times they still put ghee on parathas and sabjis.

生面团含酥油,面包通常也填充有蔬菜。The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually stuffed with vegetables.

我们用牛奶喂养孩子,并制成一种特殊的牛油,叫“酥油”。We use it to feed our babies and for a special type of butter called "ghee".

妙光藏酥油厂与大家携手并进,共创美好未来。Wonderful light hidden ghee factory with you hand in hand, create beautiful future.

一个叫菲力吉的听众对于怎么控制鸽子的数目有另一种看法。But alistenernamed Phillip Ghee has another thought about how to control pigeon populations.

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一个叫菲利普.吉的听众,却对如何控制鸽子的数量另有一番见解。But a listener named Phillip Ghee has another thought about how to control pigeon populations.

最后,我想要感激德义区和丹戎巴葛区的义工。Finally, I want to thank the dedicated grassroots volunteers from Teck Ghee and Tanjong Pagar.

储存和准备各种不同种类的食材并蒸发牛奶和炼酥油。Storing and preparing all different kinds of foodstuffs and cooking down milk and making ghee.

印度妻子婚后不仅自己变得肥胖,而且做菜时放很多油,连她们的丈夫也吃胖了。After marriage they become fat and make their husbands fat too by making food fatty with lot of ghee in food.

现在同时在印度神和基督目前一起的烧香,点樟脑和酥油。Incense and camphor and ghee burned now before the likenesses of Krishna and Shiva as well as Mary and Jesus.

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接着他在火上融化了酥油,声音很响金牙姑姑都听不清他说什么了。Then he melted the ghee in the fire and the charcoal hissed so sharply that Gold Teeth could not make out his words.

用小锅加入剩下的提纯奶油,加热后加入孜然籽和黑芥末子,当它们开始有爆裂噼啪声时一起倒入豆羹之中搅匀。In small skillet add remaining ghee. When hot add cumin seeds and black mustard seeds. When the seeds start to crackle pour the mixture into the pot of dal.

咬伤者会被灌入液体黄油或印度酥油直至呕吐,然后是数小时的祷告和祭祀舞蹈,所有这些完成以后,他们被允许带回家,认为他们已经治愈了。The patient is made to drink liquid butter or ghee until they vomit, then after several hours of prayer and priestly ritual dance, they are allowed to go home, supposedly fully cured.

那里我们读到佛经的文字如何酥油的精华表现为所有的形式和牛奶的改变,但是它是无法察觉的直到它已经给从它遮蔽的元素之中纯化了。There we read the Buddha's words on how cream of ghee is always present within all forms and modifications of milk, but is undetectable until it has been purified of its obscuring elements.