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一阵微风突然拂过,在底格里斯河的河面上形成一个小漩涡。A sudden breeze over the Tigris forms a tiny whirlwind.

四道乃比逊、基训、底格里斯和幼发拉底河。The four headwaters are Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.

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华南虎是世界上最濒危的虎亚种。South China Tiger is the most endangered subspecies in Panthera tigris.

我们与伊朗分享了许多底格里斯河的分流。We have a large number of branches of the Tigris that we share with Iran.

第三道河名叫希底结,流在亚述的东边。And the name of the third river is the Tigris , which flows east of Assyria.

事实上在晚上很晚的时候,底格里斯河沿岸的公园里也不乏休闲的人群。Virtually every evening, the parks along the Tigris were teeming with people.

喜欢找刺激的年轻人们穿着湿漉漉的潜水衣正准备到底格里斯河上骑摩托艇。Young thrill seekers don wet suits and get ready to jet ski on the Tigris River.

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但我们已利用这些相似之处之前和他们疏远,在底格里斯河轻拂。But we have used these parallels before and they have drifted away in the Tigris breeze.

而在埃及,小亚细亚,和两河流域却找不到类似的证据We have hard evidence of that in Egypt, in Asia Minor, and in the Tigris Euphrates Valley.

亚述帝国的一座古城,位于底格里斯河沿岸,与今天伊拉克境内的摩苏尔城相结。An ancient city of Assyria on the Tigris River opposite the site of present-day Mosul, Iraq.

与叙利亚及伊朗进行的战争将使伊拉克战争看起来像是沿着底格里斯河悠闲地漫步。War with Syria and Iran would make the Iraq War look like a leisurely stroll along the Tigris.

傍晚,我们先在阿布努瓦斯公园内闲逛了一会,这个公园沿底格里斯河而建,园内满是树木。The evening began with a stroll in Abu Nuwas Park, a tree-studded stretch along the Tigris River.

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几天之后,一个黄昏,那个男孩又出现了,在底格里斯河的小径上跟上来和我一起跑。A few days later, at twilight, the same boy appeared again, picking up the trail along the Tigris.

在摩挲着手中的祈祷石的时候,西劳斯开始梦想他或许能在底格里斯河里洗礼。As he rubbed his prayer stone, Seelaus began to dream that he might be baptized in the Tigris River.

我出生于伊拉克,幼发拉底河与底格里斯河是我们伟大的母亲河。Like my birthplace Iraq which is dominated the by the two greatstreams, the Euphrates and the Tigris.

拂晓时分,一名男子在底格里斯河的桥上喂海鸥,桥下的出租快艇正在等待早上的第一批乘客。On a bridge over the Tigris a man feeds gulls at dawn as water taxis await the morning's first passengers.

一座中世纪桥梁的遗迹——那个时代的庞然大物——仍然在底格里斯河的冲刷下矗立不倒。The remains of a medieval bridge, one of the largest of its era, still withstand the currents of the Tigris.

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他们说这些尸体沿着底格里斯河顺流而下,在一痤临时修筑的水坝处被挡住了。They say that they were effectively floating down the Tigris and that they were caught up on a makeshift portable dam.

肥沃的新月上的一些最佳的农田位于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的狭长地带。Some of the best farmland of the Fertile Crescent is in a narrow strip of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

距离营房不足一英里的提格里斯河,不正是从圣经里的伊甸园中流出来的四大河流之一么?The Tigris River, only a mile from the camp, was one of the four rivers that flowed out of the biblical Garden of Eden.