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他们每人先下了多少钱作赌注?How much did they each ante up?

在纸牌游戏中提高赌金。Raising the ante in a poker game.

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当年2月,里根加大了赌注。In February, Reagan upped the ante.

你妹妹什么时候付款呀?When will your younger sister ante up?

但是,继续僵持恐怕会迫使鲍尔默提高赌注。But holding out may force Ballmer to up the ante.

拉斯蒙是“阳光赫瓦尔”饭店经理。Ante Lacman is a manager with "Sunny Hvar hotels".

然后它上升在前以发光的手编织品织品结束。Then it ups the ante with a shiny tricot fabric finish.

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挑战确实升高前厅与富锦市下午二-二。Challenge has really upped the ante with the Fujin SL-II.

物质主义的孩子总是想要更多更好的,没有止境。And materialistic kids who keep upping the ante want more.

凭借群体的智慧把“乒乓”玩得这么好,令卡彭特决定加大难度。The group mind plays Pong so well that Carpenter decides to up the ante.

特别地提出了地面试验存在小扰动情况下的点火逻辑问题。Especially. the firing logie of the small disturb- ante with the ground test.

“把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。Take these flowers into the ante room or dressing- room , " said the viscount".

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今天,我们为大家推出可爱的熊猫宝宝依偎在婴儿床上的萌照。Today, we've upped the ante with photos of adorable baby pandas snuggling in a crib.

将赌注押在整个行业上,很可能你会做得更好、睡得更香。Attend ante sign in whole industry, probable you can be done weller, sleep more spicily.

很显然,大哥提高了面具中高估贞操的赌注。The Elder Brother has obviously upped the ante in the mask's overvaluation of virginity.

社交网站或许增加了撒谎的成本,这是一个拥有丰富信息和目击者的地方。Social media has upped the ante. It is a rich source of information and eyewitness accounts.

依照这种速度,伊拉克将会成为全球5大石油生产国之一。That would put Iraq in the top 5 oil-bearing calculationries in the apple, at accepted ante.

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肉类检验包括屠宰前和屠宰后检验两个阶段。The meat inspection procedure is carried out in two phases, ante and post mortem inspection.

泰山是我国研究早前寒武纪地质的经典地,也是国际早前寒武纪研究的知名地区。Mount Taishan is the representative place for the study of the Ante Cambrian geology in China.

这条消息并不意味着在这方面加大筹码就会提高生产力水平。This news doesn’t mean that upping the ante to sex actually ups the productivity level as well.