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她样样工作都干得很出色。She has done remarkable jobs.

那是一场令人难忘的旅行。That was a remarkable journey.

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他是个相当出色的桥牌手。He was quite a remarkable player.

阅读有关的显著成绩。Read about the remarkable results.

这孩子早熟得惊人。The boy is remarkable for precocity.

她最近的那首诗极有深度。Her latest poem has remarkable depth.

她的机敏是一种非凡的天赋。Her tactfulness is a remarkable gift.

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苏坦取得了非凡的成就。Sultan's achievements are remarkable.

这幅画是上乘之作。This painting is of remarkable quality.

采洁在歌唱方面有着不寻常的能力。Amber has remarkable ability in singing.

杰出人士不会对自己苛责。Remarkable people give up self-judgment.

这些树木长到异常的高度。These trees attain to remarkable height.

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这是一项具有里程碑意义的创新So this has been a remarkable innovation.

你是否做出了成为卓越的选择?Have you made the choice to be remarkable?

对于叛军来说,这是值得纪念的一天.It’s been a remarkable day for the rebels.

永清是卓越品牌的创造者。Yonker is the creator of remarkable brand.

“三农”工作成效显著。"Three rural" achieved remarkable results.

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海明威是才华横溢的作家。Hemingway is a writer of remarkable genius.

他进步如此大真不简单。It's remarkable he's made such good progress.

第三守垒员做了许多非凡的阻止。The third baseman made some remarkable stops.