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诚然它有它的技巧。It has its technique.

他偷了我的技术。He stole my technique.

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那么,这个技巧是什么呢?So what is the technique?

每一种艺术都有它的技术。Every art has its technique.

一个NLP的方法。Swish. A technique from NLP.

唐代方术流行的原因。Tang square technique popular.

这项采矿工艺不可靠。The mining technique is shaky.

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虚拟存储技术?。VMT? Virtual Memory Technique?

虚拟工作室技术?。VST? Virtual Studio Technique?

好的,很好的举手表决方法。OK. Good hand raising technique.

改善你的呼吸技巧。Refine your breathing technique.

圣多纳释放法是独一无二的。The Release Technique is unique.

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这是一项非常常见的技术。This is a very common technique.

取样技术也很简单。The technique of sampling is easy.

有人教过她这个技巧么?Did someone teach her the technique?

所以说没有什么技术是绝对可靠的。No technique is infallible, he said.

现在这是一个技术的分析。This is now a technique of analysis.

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掌握基本焊锡技术。Basic soldering technique is applied.

按此种方法镂刻的技术。The technique of carving in this way.

这是个较高级的记忆方法,我发现它蕴含这惊人的效果,不过你得花时间并多实践才能掌握。This is an advanced memory technique.