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选择键。Select key.

选择一个映像。Select an image.

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选择所有列。Select all columns.

当然,选择摄像机。Select Camera of course.

选择蛮力模式。Select brute force mode.

选择40px的硬笔刷。Select a 40px hard brush.

选择单个生命线。Select a single lifeline.

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去看他们选的一个电影。Go to a movie they select.

选择400px柔性笔刷。Select a 400px soft brush.

选择多个生命线。Select multiple lifelines.

选择调度程序链接。Select the dispatcher link.

选择七巧板摆图。Select the tangram to form.

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选择服务器级别范围。Select a server level scope.

选择一个或多个邮件。Select one or more messages.

看到我的价值。I select to see myself-worth.

选择装订的位置。Select the stapling position.

如果没有,请选择它。If it's not, please select it.

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按选择套索工具。Pressto select the Lasso Tool.

选择搜索并替换模式。Select search-and-replace mode.

在画布中选择这个房子。Select the house on the canvas.