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他与其说是个战术家,不如说是个战略家。He is more of a strategist than of a tactician.

尽管金正日偏执且妄自尊大,但他却是一个狡猾的谋略家。But Mr Kim, for all his megalomania and paranoia, is a shrewd tactician.

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查理十二世很快表现出杰出的军事领导魅力与天生的战术才能。Charles XII rapidly emerged as a charismatic military leader and a born tactician.

但是他是个令人惊奇的战术家并且它的军事技巧今天仍在研究。But he was an amazing tactician and his military techniques are studied to this day.

“我很高兴,”葡萄牙战术大师说,“这是一场很好的热身赛。”"I'm pleased, " stated the Portuguese tactician. "It was a very good training session.

上周末,新西兰队撤掉了队里的谋士汉密什?佩珀,另雇了一名法国人取代他。Late last week, Team New Zealand dumped its tactician Hamish Pepper and hired a Frenchman.

然而,光头已经宣布其没有受到伦敦俱乐部的邀请。However the bald-headed tactician has stated that he has received no approach from West London.

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他在不久前公开质疑球队主教练的换人决定,却换来了拉涅利的指责。He publically questioned that decision from his Coach and has earned the scorn of his tactician.

帕什·克拉肯在成为优异飞行员的同时,也被证明是个杰出的战术家。While Pash Cracken was already an amazing pilot, he proved to be an exceptional tactician as well.

但蓝衣军团主教练里皮却并不认为黑蓝军团能闲庭散步般卫冕联赛冠军。But Azzurri tactician Lippi doesn't believe that the title race will be a stroll for the Nerazzurri.

这位战术大师赞扬他的后卫的精神意志,并支持他在法国队闪亮。The tactician has hailed his defender's mental strength and backed him to shine in Les Bleus' shirt.

雷诺是一名优秀的领袖和战术家,虽然他并没有任何正式的训练背景。Raynor is a good leader and an excellent tactician although he lacks any formal training or background.

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然而,这名锡土巴尔出生的战术家已经等不及了,他不希望莫拉蒂再浪费时间。However, the Setubal-born tactician will not wait any longer so Moratti cannot afford to waste any time.

哦,是的,忘记了,当我研究战斗的战术大师手册和重新思考集团时,我自动购买了它。Oh yeah, forgot, automatic purchase while I study tactician manuals and re-think group battle stratagies.

意大利报纸明确地表示,这位出生在罗马的教头将在今年夏天交出帅印。The peninsula's Press are certain that the Roman tactician will be given his marching orders this summer.

他同时表示舍甫琴科这个赛季在切尔西干出成绩只是需要一点时间。The tactician also tried to reassure that Shevchenko just needs time to make his mark at Chelsea this season.

这名59岁的教头不久前刚刚离开桑普多利亚,今天上午他在尤文图斯中心出席了新闻发布会。The 59-year-old tactician was officially unveiled to the Press this morning following his move from Sampdoria.

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在雅文四号卫星马萨西遗址的义军基地里,清瘦的简·多登纳将军是一位战术家和战略家。General Jan Dodonna was the wizened tactician and strategist of the Rebel base at the Massassi site on Yavin 4.

内德维德在2009年夏天离开尤文图斯,当时葡萄牙教头同这位前捷克国家队的领袖人物通了电话。The Portuguese tactician phoned Nedved after the former Czech Republic international left Juve in the summer of 2009.

甘贝里尼曾经入选过里皮带领的国家队,但到目前还没有代表国家队参加过比赛。Gamberini had also been selected by previous tactician Marcello Lippi, but has yet to actually make his Azzurri debut.