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开眼界并且我非常谦卑。Eye-opening and very humbling.

这是一种令人激动和震撼人心的经验。This was an exciting and a humbling experience.

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我们看见了自己渺小又美丽的样子。We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.

对于我来说,阅读这份列表总是一件令人羞辱的经历。For me, reading this list is always a humbling experience.

认识到我们能做到什么使人激动和自觉无知。It is exciting and humbling to realize what we are capable of.

感谢您,总统先生,您给予我一生中最大的荣耀,我诚惶诚恐。Thank you, Mr President, for the most humbling honor of my life.

对感应海啸破坏直接曝光是羞耻的。Firsthand exposure to the tsunami-induced devastation was humbling.

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一直有人说天文学是令人谦卑,同时也是塑造性格的学问。It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience.

他具有强大的武器,从神的惭愧,例如和惩治他们的抗命。He has powerful arms from God for humbling such and punishing their disobedience.

委婉的说,去年的一系列事件已经揭露除了令人羞辱的经济过剩问题。The events of the last year have exposed excesses and flaws that are, to put it mildly , humbling.

特别有气魄,有让人羞愧的力量,因为它表现了希望和善意的弱点.a special force, a humbling power, because it shows the vulnerability of people of hope and good will.

我在这个过程中小小的参与是我生命中最卑微,也是最令人振奋的经历之一。My small participation in that process was one of the most humbling and inspiring experiences of my life.

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不管怎样,对有些经济学家来说,危机的教训似乎要小一些,虽然仍然是带有羞辱性的涵义。Nonetheless, for some economists, the lessons of the crisis are likely to be smaller, though no less humbling.

在那之前,曼联的任务是从上周末1-4输给利物浦的挫折中恢复。Even before that, the Reds' immediate task is getting over last Saturday's 4-1 humbling at the hands of Liverpool.

正式称谓分为尊称、敬称、谦称等礼貌称谓,一般具有共性与系统性。The formal ones include honorific, deferential, and humbling terms, all of them generally universal and systematic.

这种开放的态度和对抗命运的精神给他们的勇气和力量让我自叹不如。The openness with which people here confront their condition has given them a strength and bravery I find humbling.

这样看来,东芝和三星之间的代工协议似乎没有什么值得令人惊讶的。The reported foundry deal between Toshiba and Samsung makes sense, but it is also humbling for the Japanese company.

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耶稣在18-20节中对于门徒们的喜乐的回应如何既是一个鼓舞,又是一个对于优先顺序的谦卑提醒?How does Jesus' reaction to their joy in verses 18-20 become both an encouragement and a humbling reminder about priorities?

我的康复期尽管充满了挑战性,但同时也使我看到了生命中谦卑的力量,这是一个持续的过程,直至今日。My rehabilitation period despite challenging was a humbling moment of my life and a continuous process that I face until today.

法兰克福汇报称它是“一本非凡、感人肺腑和令人自觉卑微的小说,也许是这个秋天最难忘的阅读体验”。The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".