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概念2赛艇运动员是最好的。Concept 2 rower is the best.

因此,美国公司解雇了划桨员。So the American company fired the rower.

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最舒适的座位划船的市场。The most comfortable rower seat in the market.

八年后,这名斯洛文尼亚选手又为祖国赢得一枚金牌。Eight years later the Slovenian rower also brought home a gold medal.

这次他们有,一个高级舵手、六个舵手顾问、一个划桨员。Now they had one senior manager, six management consultants and one rower.

同伴可能会注意到,马宏升的右手掌比左手掌粗糙。A fellow rower might notice that his right palm is more calloused than the left.

当你在划船前进,你的膝盖弯曲,对你的胸部。When you come forward on the rower , your knees are bent and against your chest.

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太平洋赛艇使得巧妙利用独特的物理性质的水。The Pacific Rower makes ingenious use of the unique physical properties of water.

在第二次比赛中,日本队赢了两英里。因此,美国公司解雇了划桨员。In the rematch the Japanese won by two miles. So the American company fired the rower.

否则赛事会继续进行,而受影响的运动员将视作停止比赛论。In other cases, the race will continue and the rower shall be deemed to have stopped rowing.

“到了夏天,一过晚餐时间,我们就感到累了,”其中一位船夫说,“这段时间可真够我们忙活的。”“In the summer, we’re usually tired by dinnertime, ” said one lagoon rower. “It’s a busy time for us.”

举重运动能塑造你的肌肉,骑车、步行、划船十分有利于脂肪的消耗。Working with weights sculpts your muscles, while the cycle, treadmill, and rower are great for fat-burning.

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就在去年,英国浆手罗斯-萨维奇成为第一个独自划船横穿大西洋的女人。Just last year, British ocean rower Roz Savage became the first woman to cross the Pacific Ocean alone, in a rowboat.

研究生物活性肽胶囊对赛艇运动员力量、耐力素质的影响。This article mainly studies the activated peptide capsule to the effect on the strength and endurance ability of the rower.

较传统双轴机少了侧传动装置和侧边箱,减少了动力消耗,结构简单耐用。Less than conventional two-axis machine side gear, and side boxes, reducing rower consumption, simple structure and durable.

然而,第二位选手从这一番努力之中他会变得更强壮而且对于未来的挑战能有更强的实力准备。However, the second rower is the one who has become stronger from the exertion and is thereby better prepared for future challenges.

英国皮划艇选手杰克•贝雷斯福德夺得单人双桨项目金牌,这也是他第五次在奥运会上获得奖牌。Rower Jack Beresford of Great Britain won a gold medal in the double sculls event, marking the fifth Olympics at which he earned a medal.

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第五,更可能是由市场检验,公共服务供应商和买家区别“舵手的桨手,以区别于”。Fifth, the more likely the inspection by the market, buyers of public service provider and distinguish "helmsman, with the rower to distinguish".

第二位选手在暴风雨中出发横度同一座湖,又有强风、暴流和大浪逆向而来。The second rower heads out across the same lake during a great storm. Powerful winds, currents, and waves move in the direction opposite the boat.

在斯洛文尼亚独立后不到一年时间,划船运动员伊兹托克∙措普在奥运会上为新获自由的祖国赢得了第一块奖牌──划船比赛的铜牌。Barely a year after independence, rower Iztok Cop gave his newly independent nation its first distinction in the Olympic Games – a bronze medal in his sport.