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如何开展一场竞选?How do you campaign?

所以,还是回头说竞选吧。So, back to the campaign.

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年轻人的和平运动。The Young Peacemakers Campaign.

学期的班干部竞选也开始了。The class cadre campaign began.

奥巴马的胜选口号。Obama's winning campaign slogan.

考虑一个年度性的运动。Consider an anniversary campaign.

这次竞选中的无名英雄。The unsung hero of this campaign.

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你们是我们竞选的核心。You are the heart of our campaign.

他成功地实现了一次大销售活动。He puts across a big sales campaign.

他们发动了竞选活动。They initiated an election campaign.

基地迁建问题是选战的主题。Relocation is the main campaign issue.

他们开始了一项储水的运动。They started a campaign to save water.

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我们应发起扫黄运动。We should launch an anti porn campaign.

艾尔斯没有参与我的任何竞选活动。Mr. Ayers is not involved in my campaign.

后来,他们降低了宣传运动的调子。They muted the propaganda campaign later.

我们应当发起一场反浪费运动。We should start a campaign against waste.

额……去塔希提岛旅游,拍摄一个品牌香水。A trip to Tahiti for a fragrance campaign.

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是否有引用干净水的教育活动?Is there a clean-water education campaign?

这也是2016年的大选中所发生的事。That's what happened in the 2016 campaign.

而根除疟疾运动则未做到这一点。The campaign to eradicate malaria did not.