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我可以借你的牙刷吗?。MayI borrow your toothbrush ?

使用带有超软毛的牙刷。Use an extra soft toothbrush.

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我把我的牙刷放在马克杯里。I put my toothbrush in the mug.

要选择刷头合适的牙刷Do find the right toothbrush head

你是如何选择你的牙刷的?How do you choose your toothbrush?

我想要一支牙刷和一支刮胡刀。I'd like a toothbrush and a razor.

我想要一支牙刷和一支刮胡刀。I'll send up a toothbrush right away.

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飞利浦Sonicare电动牙刷。Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush.

这对4岁的孩子来说是个非常棒的牙刷。This is a great toothbrush for my 4yo.

把珠宝放进一杯可乐中,用牙刷刷一刷,然后泡着。Brush with a toothbrush and rinse well.

你喜欢普通还是电动牙刷?Do you prefer manual or battery toothbrush?

她在牙刷上挤了牙膏。She squeezes toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

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快去收拾你的牙刷和睡裤吧。Time to pack up your toothbrush and pajamas.

马修用小牙刷给它梳理?Matthew brushes him with a little toothbrush?

而我,在买一支牙刷之前还要挣扎一番。I agonize for a while before buying a new toothbrush.

当你要去旅游时,不要忘了带你的牙刷。When you travel don't forget to pack your toothbrush.

为什么要使用便携式牙刷杀菌器?。Why you should use a portable toothbrush sterilizers?

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每次刷完牙都应用水冲洗牙刷。Always rinse your toothbrush with water after brushing.

那除非你拥有索尼卡尔牌超声波牙刷。That is, unless you have the sonicare sonic toothbrush.

由刷柄和刷毛构成。The electric toothbrush comprises a handle and bristles.