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可以放一些乐观的音乐。Put some upbeat music on.

他也不总是这样乐观的。He wasn't always this upbeat.

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第一定律非常乐观。The first law is very upbeat.

施耐德试图听起乐观些。Schneider tries to sound upbeat.

如果你是个积极乐观的人,一定看过。You do if you're an upbeat person.

大家知道。Remember, the first law is the upbeat law.

我是唱弱拍还是唱强拍?Do I come in on the upbeat or the downbeat ?

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亚萨的诗歌不像史蒂芬的词那么令人愉悦。Asaph's lyrics were not as upbeat as those of Stevens.

他不仅是一位真正的潮流引导者,而且是一位乐观的团队领导。He is a genuine trend-setter and a upbeat team leader.

乐观的数据往往会降低对日圆的避险需求.Upbeat data tends to reduce safe-haven demand for the yen.

我认为党徽是我最乐观的和成熟的专辑呢。I think Femme Fatale is my most upbeat and mature album yet.

来自日本的一些非常乐观的报告反映出了这一转变。Some uncommonly upbeat reports from Japan reflect the shift.

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他们总是匆匆忙忙、精力充沛。停不下来。It's always rushing. Energy's just always upbeat. It's nonstop.

非洲人虽生活于最贫穷的大陆,但态度最乐观。Africans, who live on the poorest continent, were the most upbeat.

你希望他们看到的是你容光焕发、活泼愉快,乐观向上的一面。You want them to meet someone who is fresh-faced, chirpy and upbeat.

这是一个快乐向上、其乐无穷的地方,并且充满了深厚的文化底蕴。Just a very upbeat place and a lot of fun, a lot of culture there, too.

所以,如果你丢掉了你的工作,要对你的未来保持积极的心态。So, if you have lost your job, be as upbeat as you can about the future.

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强于预期的美国零售数据增加市场的乐观基调.Stronger-than-expected retail sales data added to the upbeat mood Friday.

让你的朋友带上一些爆米花,选择一个乐观或者爆笑的电影,尽情享受吧!Get your friends to bring popcorn, pick an upbeat or funny movie, and enjoy!

你要确定是否在缺点之外她有一些可以弥补的优点,是否有她在身边你仍可以保持达观。Decide if she has any redeeming traits and if you can stay upbeat around her.