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我问她东西的出处。I asked her for the provenance.

没有核查那个故事的出处。would not have checked the provenance of that story?

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对产品出处的了解很关键。An understanding of the provenance of the product is key.

这个世界需要高质量且有着优质信息源的数据。The world wants high-quality data with a good provenance.

其物源主要来自其西侧的大凹子火山岛弧。Its provenance is the Dawazi volcanic island-arc on the west side.

三角洲的物源主要来自洼陷的东部和南坡。The provenance of delta is the eastern and south slope of the sag.

但没有在任何一个地方表明出处和作者姓名。But did not make clear provenance and author full name in any place.

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信纸的质量和产地似乎成了一种密码。The quality and provenance of your writing paper is like a secret code.

概述了青金石的产地来源和使用历史。The history of its provenance and application is summarized in this paper.

由于这个原因,可以优先选用本身支持起源跟踪的工具箱。For this reason, native toolkit support for provenance tracking is preferable.

CDL为各类需求提供了强有力的必要来源。Also CDL provides the necessary provenance to enforce requirements at each level.

帕克,同时也对他的那幅画的的起源展开调查。Parker, meanwhile, launched an investigation into the provenance of his painting.

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它的起源与发展与蒙古高原游牧文化有着密切联系。Its provenance is closely related to the nomadic culture of the Mongolian plateau.

但是不管报道如何辛苦,还是被用于特定的安排,用来证实材料的准确性和出处。So being able to verify the accuracy and provenance of material is vital, he says.

小沈阳现象主要源于中国的80后一代。The Little Shenyang phenomenon is mainly the provenance of China's post-80s generation.

种子休眠的程度和层积处理的需要因采集地点不同而有差异。The degree of seed dormancy and the stratification requirements varied with provenance.

在拍卖会上竞得高价的名酒其来源也是真实可靠的。But the wines that win the best prices at auction are those whose provenance is certain.

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神话认为,这是有史以来的第一本书,直接神源。The myth suggests that this is the first book ever written, and of direct divine provenance.

南部陆架-陆坡区的物源主要有湄公河和加里曼丹岛,但两者的混合明显。The provenance of Southern shelf and slope should include the Mekong River and Kalimantan Islands.

如何对未获得授权的产品的真伪、货源进行鉴定和管理?How do you provide verification of authenticity, provenance and control on non-franchised products?