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这个主持人是不适合这样一个复杂的辩论。This compere is unsuitable for such a complex debate.

主持人特里贝克届时将介绍名宿们。The legends will be introduced by experienced compere Terry Baker.

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研讨会是由东道主单位的李开绵作为总的主持人。Li Kaimian who comes from amphitryon institution was the key compere of the workshop.

一个种子俱乐部的公司努力保持领先于他欠他钱的书店一步。The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.

第二部分对公关礼仪主持人进行了界定并对公关礼仪主持人应具备的基本素质进行归纳、总结。The second part defines the compere of PR etiquette and summarizes the basic diathesis of an eligible compere.

主持人要根据自己主客观条件,塑造自己独特的屏幕形象,形成具有鲜明个性的素质。A compere should build up his peculiar screen figure on the basis of his own conditions and form his personal quality.

礼仪主持人古已有之,在现代社会中又发展成一种新兴的职业门类。Since ancient times, the compere has been a profession and it has been developed into a new industry in modern society.

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整个上午,我素手挽来些许怡然娴静,尽管做为活动现场主持的我未曾种下一颗树。As the compere of this event, through I had not plant trees by myself, but I had enjoyed the peacefulness in the nature.

大学的战略管理要求大学领导既是战略策划者,又要在战略的执行和实现中发挥指挥者的作用。The strategic management in universities needs the leaders to be the strategic hatcher and the compere to carry out the strategy.

明星嘉宾、感情化交流、主持人的独特风格、精良的制作应该是该栏目成功的基本要素。The basic elements of its success are the guests of celebrity, the emotive talk, the unique style of the compere and the elaborate producing.

期待以久的神秘即将揭开。7点的钟声刚过,伴随着主持人王勇新的开场白,山东大学微软学生俱乐部会员大会正式拉开帷幕。Just 7 o'clock, the general assembly of MS club in Shangdong University undrawed its purdah in due form after compere Wang Yongxin 's prolusion.

第四部分从主持人的现场状态和现场控制能力两方面分析了公关礼仪主持人的现场主持技巧。The fourth part discusses the chairing skills necessary to a PR etiquette compere on the regards of on-scene status and on-scene control capacity.

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回到纽约小苏联区,他凭着“亚历克斯”和“波西米西”这两个名字,找到了米哈伊的女友亚历克斯,原来她就是“波西米西”夜总会的主持人。Return area of new York small Russia, he with " Alex " and " Boximixi " these two names, the cummer that found Mihayi Alex, so she is " Boximixi " the compere of the nightclub.

第三部分论述了公关礼仪活动的筹划以及公关礼仪主持人参与公关礼仪活动筹划的步骤、应注意的问题等。The third part discusses how to planning PR etiquette activities and planning procedures and as well as the problems that the compere should pay attention when chairing PR activities.

目前天女网已拥有大批高端职场女性用户,主持人柯蓝、名模吕燕等杨澜好友已经加入。At present day female net already had users of large quantities of female of high- end duty field, the good friend has joined the Yang Lan such as swallow of Lv of compere Ke La, famous model.