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大红斑是木星大气层中一个古老的风暴。An Ancient Storm in the Jovian Atmosphere.

木星的卫星木卫四和木卫三也可能有水。So too might the Jovian moons Callisto and Ganymede.

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最近木星陨撃可能来自一巨大流星体。Recent Jovian impact probably came from a giant meteorite.

这颗木星的卫星并不打算用它冰冷的肩膀来承托生命。This Jovian moon isn't trying to give life the cold shoulder.

木卫一和木卫二跟地球所见的月亮是相同的大小。The Jovian Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth's moon.

木卫一和木卫二跟地球所见的月亮是相同的大小。The Jovian moons Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth's moon.

去年二月,新视野号飞船通过木星以及曾经很活跃的木卫一。In February of last year, New Horizons passed Jupiter and the ever-active Jovian moon Io.

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今年夏天提供了一个研究木星、土星系统的绝佳机会。This past summer offered excellent opportunities to study the Jovian and Saturnian systems.

可是谁曾见过水星信天翁,金星兰花,或者木星居住者呢?But who had ever seen a Mercurian albatross, a Venusian orchid, or a giant Jovian cloud-dweller?

木卫一布满火山的表面下拥有一个包围全球的熔岩池。The jovian moon Io harbors a globe-girdling pool of molten rock beneath its volcano- riddled surface.

在木星的同步轨道上,太空船环绕行星的速度与电离层相同。In a Jovian stationary orbit, a spacecraft goes around the planet at the same speed as the ionosphere.

明白了这个道理,我们得以研究环绕木星的卫星的运行而不计水星的影响。This allows us to study the motions of the Jovian moons without taking into account the motion of Mercury.

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在木星、天王星、海王星的系统中,卫星的位置也和行星环的特性密切相关。Correlations of satellite positions and ring features occur in the jovian uranian and neptunian systems as well.

研究木星磁层,测量与遥感带电粒子的数量。Studies of Jovian magnetosphere via local measurements of charged particle fluxes and by remote sensing of auroral emissions.

2009年,天文爱好者们在木星表面观测到一块暗斑,意味着暗斑所在处曾有一颗太空陨石坠入了木星大气。In 2009 backyard astronomers saw a dark blemish on Jupiter that marked the spot where a space rock had slammed into the Jovian atmosphere.

事实上,在这整段影像中能看到三颗木星卫星围绕着太阳系内最大的气态行星运行,还有木星上的两个红斑。In fact, three jovian moons and two red spots are ultimately seen in the full video as they glide around the solar system's ruling gas giant.

这颗木星的卫星并不打算用它冰冷的肩膀来承托生命。事实上,它不仅能为简单的微生物提供生存场所,也能让复杂的生命在此安家。This Jovian moon isn't trying to give life the cold shoulder. In fact, it could be a home not just to simple micro-organisms, but also complex life.

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嗅觉灵敏的哈勃还探测到木星大气、各种风暴和气漩的结构特征。Hubble's sharp view of the gas giant planet also reveals the texture of the clouds in the Jovian atmosphere as well as various other storms and vortices.

冥王星的密度约为水的2.3倍通常来说,类木行星的密度会小于2,而类地行星的密度则大于5。Its density is roughly 2.3 Times that of water. Usually, the Jovian planets have density less than 2, while terrestrial planets have density more than 5.

然而,木星最大的卫星木卫三将会出现在木卫一和欧罗巴的同一侧,虽然它距离木星近轨有三倍距离。However, Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede will appear on the same side of Jupiter as Io and Europa, though at some 3 times farther out from the Jovian disk.