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镇痛时间比度冷丁、氨基比林长。The analgesic effect of CP in mice lasted longer than Dolantin and Aminopyrine.

结论曲马多的镇痛疗效优于度冷丁。Conclusion The pain relief effects of tramadol are superior to those of dolantin.

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目的观察罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用后对哌替啶镇痛作用的影响。Objective To investigate the synergistic analgesic action of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin.

观察了进口盐酸曲马多胶囊在223例术后疼痛患者的镇痛效果,并分别与相应剂型的度冷丁做随机或自身对比观察。Methods We observed the 223 acute abdominal pain using the tramadol. It's pain relief effect were compared with those dolantin.

结果罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results Administration of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin significantly increased the pain threshold of mice.

结论罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用可以增强镇痛效果,从而减少哌替啶的用量,降低其药物依赖的发生概率。Results Administration of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin significantly increased the pain threshold of mice.

结果氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍注射可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results The combinative administration of Dolantin in subthreshold dose and haloperidol can significantly raise the pain threshold of mise.

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结果用药30分钟后胎心率基线有所下降,1~2小时下降明显但仍在正常范围。Results The baseline FHR showed a decrease 30 minutes after dolantin , and decreased further at 1 and 2 hours though still within normal range.

结论罗通定与阈下剂量派替啶合用可以增强镇痛效果,从而减少派替啶的用量,降低其药物依赖的发生概率。Conclusion The combined administration of dolantin and rotundine has significant synergistic action of analgesia, with reduced dose of dolantin and decreased incidence of addiction.

目的观察曲马的镇痛效果方法观察了进口盐酸曲马多胶囊在223例术后疼痛患者的镇痛效果,并分别与相应剂型的度冷丁做随机或自身对比观察。Objective To observe the pain relief effects of tramadol capsules. Methods We observed the 223 acute abdominal pain using the tramadol. It's pain relief effect were compared with those dolantin.