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此文件被称为“MyGrid.xml”。This is called "MyGrid.xml."

单系列图表XML样例Sample Single-Series Chart XML

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XML是基于文本的标记语言。XML is a text-based markup language.

首先,有一个XML保真性的问题。First, there is a XML fidelity issue.

E4X使XML的脚本处理变得非常方便。E4X makes scripting for XML very simple.

“doclet.toc.xml”是最主要的文件。where "doclet.toc.xml" is the primary file.

定义要被用到的位图资源文件。Define various graphics with bitmaps or XML.

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所有的用户输入的相册数据以XML形式储存。All user-entered album data is stored in XML.

在3.0.6中我们还支持XML数据源。In v3.0.6, we now have an XML data source too.

XML扩展包可能无法按预期工作。The XML expansion pack may not work as expected.

XDoc是一个处理XML的所有事情的瑞士军刀。XDoc is the Swiss army knife for all things XML.

XML标记的简洁性是最不重要的。Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

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在这种情况下,XML安全层应运而生。The XML Security Layer emerges in this situation.

pulldom只在需要时构建被访问的子树。xml.pulldom builds accessed subtrees only as needed.

DCP中所有文件的列表以XML格式存储List of all files included in the DCP, in XML format.

队列是消息的安全存放地,队列存储消息直到它被应用程序处理。This is an XML message that will be put on the queue.

可以用XML文件格式把测试结果自动归档。Automatic archiving of test results in XML file format.

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可插拔的查询处理器和可扩展的XML数据格式Pluggable query handlers and extensible XML data format

你可以很容易的重新配置CXF,无需操心XML。You can reconfigure CXF easily without mucking with XML.

通过向服务发送一个XML实体来创建一个新订单。Create a new order by posting an XML entity to a service.