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伦敦的许多商人戴常礼帽。Many London businessmen wear bowlers.

你看,我们是文明的生意人。You see, we are civilized businessmen.

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商人张庆信要从翁诗杰处获得什么?What did businessmen Tiong want from Ong?

他的经历使他对商人抱有偏见。His experiences bias him against businessmen.

总之,与之相关的商人都是混蛋。In short, the businessmen involved were jerks.

你要我在场,就为见几个生意人?You want me there for a meeting with businessmen?

看都把商家逼成什么样子啦!Forced to look into what businessmen regarded him!

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但我何必为商人、工程师们操心?But why should I care for businessmen or engineers?

埃利·布罗德的成就在商人中几乎无人可敌。Few businessmen have achieved as much as Eli Broad.

我就认识很多这样被压榨的商人。I know businessmen who have been squeezed this way.

他出生的家庭背景使他对商人抱有偏见。His birth background biases him against businessmen.

但是,这些商人在工厂里打过工吗?But have these businessmen ever labored in a factory?

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商人们都懂得人们是按颜色来选购商品的。Businessmen know that people choose products by color.

实业家们签完合同之后相互握手。The businessmen shook hands after signing the contract.

他们可以遇到来自世界各国的商人。They can meet with businessmen from all over the world.

小商人指责信托过于强大。Small businessmen charged that trusts were too powerful.

雄心壮志是一切乐成买卖人的配合特点。Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen.

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标签是精明的商家细分市场的明确标靶。Labels are smart businessmen breakdown clear target market.

商人们抱怨太多的繁文缛节阻碍他们的道路。Businessmen complain that too much red tape clogs their way.

商家应遵守的经营规则之一是每笔生意要做到货款两讫。Businessmen is that Both sides should Be clear for each deal.