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这正是艾达昆赛脱狡狯之处。That was what ada quonsetf astutely intended.

一些受访高管认为他们的中国买家很会讨价还价。Some executives felt that their Chinese suitors had bargained astutely.

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他从公众的观点中敏锐地察觉到了未来的变化,但是却没有设想出一个宏大的远景。He astutely read the tea-leaves of public opinion but had no grand vision.

法国很狡猾,用欧元结算,不用美元,美元在贬值呢。France has very astutely switched to Euros from Dollars which is depreciating now!

通过训练以及比赛本身我很狡猾的学会了要为一旦出现问题而早做准备。I was astutely instructed to prepare for something to go wrong during training sessions and on race day itself.

即使在一间公司敏锐管理文化的改变,它的稀有,以解决一切,第一次。Even in a company that astutely manages cultural change, it's rare to have addressed everything the first time out.

因此对企业组织产销过程敏捷地响应市场提出了更高的要求。Consequently there is higher demand about corporations organize the process of produce and sale to answer market astutely.

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疾病的折磨使小唐看上去很憔悴,但眼神却透出小伙子的精明能干。Disease suffers causes young Tang seems very thin and pale, but the look actually passes the young fellow astutely competent.

马基雅弗利颇有深意地指出,辞职不仅可避免猜疑,还可因这一德行而获誉。Resigning, Machiavelli astutely noted, would operate not only to defend against suspicion but also to create a reputation for probity.

杰出的高阶主管当然不屑做这种事,但却有不少人是靠一副灵敏的头脑,玩弄内部政治窜起的。While certainly not a pattern followed by extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their careers by playing internal politics astutely.

全球性的操作网络已经敏捷地运作在它的生命的所有各个方面,极度地令人绝望。它深深地使我们感到悲哀。The global network of manipulation that has prevailed astutely on all the aspects of its life is extremely dissapointing and it saddens to us deeply.

中国的企业家,亨特机敏地指出,在承担风险方面有着与美国企业家基本相同的特质,只是他们的行为受限于一个定义明确的社会架构。Chinese entrepreneurs, Hundt astutely notes, are every bit the risk-takers their American counterparts are, but they act from within a well-defined social framework.

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布什总统的一个高级亚太事务顾问亲自打电话给她,希望让她也帮忙制作一个中文网站,但她已婉言回绝。One senior Asia-Pacific council from Bush administration called her by himself, hoping she would give a hand to create another election website in Chinese, but she refused astutely.

社会学家芭芭拉.史奈德和大卫.史蒂文森敏锐地将现在的大学生描述成为“漂流梦想家”,他们有雄心壮志,却没有清晰的人生计划。The sociologists Barbara Schneider and David Stevenson have astutely described recent cohorts as “drifting dreamers” with “high ambitions, but no clear life plan for reaching them.”

金井训志十五岁开始油彩创作,其后更试验以金箔为创作媒材。在探索的过程中,他敏锐地掌握了各项艺术流派对于人体表现的独特处理方式。Experimenting with the oil medium at the age of 15 and later with gold leaf, Kanai astutely observed how various art movements prompted unique approaches to figurative representation.