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您要出庭作证吗?Are you a witness?

这个见证是真的。This witness is true.

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证人可能持有偏见。The witness may be biased.

我该作假证吗?Shall I bear false witness?

他被传唤出庭作证。He was summoned as a witness.

那个证人对法庭撒谎。The witness lied to the court.

看看这一个骇人的证据吧!Behold a dreadful witness of it!

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我被叫到了证人席。I was called to the witness box.

在这个案件中,他是一个主要见证人。He is a key witness in this case.

参孙曾是我主的见证者。Samson was a witness for my Lord.

第一证人是制帽人。The first witness was the Hatter.

有目击者描述那台车。Have the witness describe the car.

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证人证明这些确是事实。The witness affirmed to the facts.

一本“抄本”就是圣经的复制本。A "witness" is a copy of the Bible.

请带证人入庭。Bring in the witness Longhi Tanaka.

历史是最好的见证。History is the most telling witness.

证人偏离了事实真相。The witness deviated from the truth.

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谁料证人带人上来围搅。Bring people up who witness stirring.

我认为她会证明他有罪。I think she will witness against him.

在这些小丑里有我的目睹者吗?On these clowns, can I get a witness?