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我恨自己讨厌的味道!I hate my own loathsome smell.

爱的窃贼是可恶的。a burglar for love is loathsome.

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年轻人慢吞吞地把那条讨厌的鱼弄过来。Slowly the young man drew forth the loathsome fish.

因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.

不过最令人厌恶的是我自己的存在。The most loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence.

沙拉克是令人恶心的赫特人贾巴最喜欢的生物。The Sarlacc was a favorite creature of the loathsome Jabba the Hutt.

纯朋克们也许是这个世界上所有物种中最让人讨厌的。Punk purists are perhaps the most loathsome gnats in all of creation.

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拖泥带水的爱,最后也只剩下无尽的伤感。The loathsome love, also is only left over inexhaustible moved finally.

一个自力救济的传道人是世间最令人厌恶的一个景象。A self-serving minister is one of the most loathsome sights in all the world.

相反,如果孩子所构筑的自我定位令家长生厌,家长该怎么办?But what if the self-image the son is building up is loathsome to his parents?

更糟的是,一个邪恶的出家人则为人神所共同嫌恶。Worse still is an evil recluse who is repulsively loathsome to gods and men alike.

我的一个病人,一个严重的强迫症患者,几年内几乎让我无法忍受。A patient of mine, a very bad obsessional, was almost loathsome to me for some years.

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只要我一坐下,它就跳到我膝盖上,在我身上讨厌地蹭个不停。Whenever I sat, it would spring upon my knees, covering me with its loathsome caresses.

这像哈马斯的意识形态一样可憎,因为像哈马斯这样的武装运动是不可能由一支军队来根除的。Loathsome as Hamas’s ideology is, a movement of this sort cannot be uprooted by an army.

在她所有的不幸遭遇中,再没有比这种感受更使她难堪和厌恶的了。In all her miserable experience, there was nothing else so awful and so loathsome as this sense.

在「白宫风暴」中,他把尼克森总统刻画得令人作呕,连他的爱尔兰雪达犬都要攻击他。In "Nixon" he made that president so epically loathsome that even his Irish setter turned on him.

那个时刻,你们的幸福甚至都变得可憎可恶,你们的理智与道德也是同样如此。The hour in which even your happiness becometh loathsome unto you, and so also your reason and virtue.

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几周后,当我在另外一门课上用我那“作呕的末日钢笔”做笔记时,发生了一个情况。A few weeks later, as I sat in another class taking notes with the Loathsome Pen of Doom, something happened.

尽管这样,埃尔坎最近也通过媒体向国米开炮,称蓝黑军团是一个令人生厌的竞争对手。Despite this, Erkan recently through the media to the Inter fire, said blue-black corps is a loathsome rival.

暴怒的萨格拉斯撕碎了艾瑞达和Nathrezim的监狱,放生了令人作呕的恶魔。In his fury, Sargeras shattered the prisons of the eredar and the Nathrezim and set the loathsome demons free.