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所有的人都是生而为那个种姓的。All are born into their caste.

他自己来自于封建主阶层。He himself comes from the feudal caste.

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这本书论述了印度的种姓制度。This book treats of the caste system in India.

那时,神之女奴已是一个非常低俗的传统。These days it’s very much a low caste tradition.

下一个等级是刹帝利,是武士。The next caste is the Kshtriya, who are warriors.

在1931年的人口普查中,印度把种性人口不计算在内。India has not counted caste in its census since 1931.

然而他们认为更重要的是库马尔来是一个低种姓。But more importantly for them, he was from a lower caste.

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下一波入侵的遇战疯人由战士种姓组成。The next Yuuzhan Vong wave consisted of the warrior caste.

早婚有地区,语言,宗教,等级因素。Child marriage spans continents, language, religion, caste.

他谈到对种姓制度激怒了婆罗门。He spoke against the caste system which angered the Brahmins.

天分不局限在地理地域、宗教和种姓上。Talent does not confine to geographical area, religion, caste.

当人口普查调查人员找到你时,你会不会告诉你的种姓?Will you reveal your caste when the census-taker comes calling?

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只有任人唯贤,印度才能取得发展。India can develop only if jobs are provided on merit and not caste.

有一天我们不顾种姓的禁忌在这别墅里共享野餐。One day we had a picnic there together, in defiance of caste rules.

一个典型的员工娶到一位有地位的女孩,或者是坐在海滩上?For any typical clerk marrying a caste girl and seating on seashore?

吉奥诺西斯的社会只为少数上层社会成员的利益而存在。Geonosian society exists for the benefit of the few in the upper caste.

那个鳏夫整个晚上坐着向一个混血少女以目传情。The widower sat casting sheep's eyes at a half- caste girl all the evening.

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最佳答案应该是候选人没有意识到他或她的阶级。The best answer would be where the candidate is unaware of his or her caste.

第三阶层是被称为“工头”和“虐待者”的氏族成员。The third caste is made up of clansmen known as taskmasters and persecutors.

然而,人口普查计算所有种性人口可能非常困难,甚至是办不到的。Counting caste in the census, however, would be difficult, or even impossible.