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未见细胞内黏液小滴。Intracellular mucin droplets are not identifiable.

他们发现,这种频率提供了明确的识别模式。This, they say, offers clearly identifiable patterns.

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环境政策的应用范围须能辨识。Its area of application should be clearly identifiable.

一个服务器所提供的可识别资源是什么?What are the identifiable resources that a server offers?

纪录应保持清楚易读、可鑑别及追溯。Records shall be and remain legible , identifiable and traceable.

记录应保持清晰、易于识别和检索。Records shall remain legible readily identifiable and retrievable.

安哥拉是西南非洲的麻烦之地,这是大家最容易看得的。Angola was the most identifiable trouble spot in South West Africa.

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品质记录应易于阅读、识别及取用。Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.

把程序划分为多个可执行一项可识别任务的方法。Divide your programs into methods that perform one identifiable task.

可见的月球环形山包括萨哈、怀尔德和桑格。Identifiable craters seen on the moon include Saha, Wyld and Saenger.

个人识别资料须受本公司私隐政策规管。Personally identifiable information is subject to our Privacy Policy.

他确保在攻击后不会很容易的被识别出逃亡汽车。He ensures the getaway car is not easily identifiable after the robbery.

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思乡是一种具有明显症候的适应性障碍病。Homesickness is a distinct adjustment disorder with identifiable symptoms

所有这些元素都具有名称和使它们可识别的命名空间。All of these elements have a name and a namespace that makes them identifiable.

这两个函数都是特别指定的,因此,编译器可以识别它们。These functions are specially named so that they are identifiable to the compiler.

当组织梗塞或水肿时,就不能辨认出此区域内的沟回。As tissue has become infarcted and edematous, the sulcus is no longer identifiable.

其它两个病人有肝硬化,但并未发现其他危险因素。The two other patients were cirrhotic , but had no further identifiable risk factors.

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多年来八达博士已成为一个最识别成员蜘蛛侠的流氓'画廊。Octopus has become one of the most identifiable members of Spider-Man's rogues' gallery.

预留有硬币找零器接口,根据需要安装,可识别多国货币。A coin-change interface reserved, according to need to install, multi-currency identifiable.

一个引用是某一个被在测试的其他地方重用大的文本片断的唯一标识。A reference is a uniquely identifiable piece of text to be reused in another part of a test.