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我们需要对称。We need this symmetry.

飞机的对称轴线。The axis of plane symmetry.

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不对称即是对称的缺失。Asymmetry is the lack of symmetry.

分歧、对称与模式。Bifurcation, symmetry and patterns.

形式不变性是一种新的对称性。The form invariance is a new symmetry.

我感触到一片树叶的完美的对称性。I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.

很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。Many stems and roots show radial symmetry.

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很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。Many stems and toots show radial symmetry.

马克斯穷人提供的反相柱峰的对称性。Max-RP column provided poor peak symmetry.

大脑同样对对称别有嗜好。The brain also has a penchant for symmetry.

对称合乎道理,而它是12进制的。The symmetry makes sense, and it's base-12.

增加了卡测试GR的最大飞机的对称性。Added test on max planes of symmetry for GR card.

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文中着重强调了镜象对称性的应用。The application of mirror symmetry is emphasized.

两种奇思怪论组合成一个美丽且对称的体系。The two heresies melded into a beautiful symmetry.

平移对称最适合用于结构布局Translational Symmetry is Good for Layout Structure

风筝是个有一条对称线的四边形。A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry.

在合适的地方利用消息流的对称性。Leverage symmetry of message flow, where appropriate.

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群论在化学中的应用是建立在对称性基础之上的。The application of group theory is based on symmetry.

应该说它们两者之间有着深刻的对称性。There is supposed to be a deep symmetry between them.

我们发现吸引力是建立在对称性的基础上的。What we find attractive is largely based on symmetry.