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它也是排课信息模块的一个重要支撑模块。It is one of the key platforms to curricula module.

我们必须在这个学期学完所有这些课程。We must finish all these curricula in this semester.

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这个学校的声誉好吗?课程的难易程度如何?Is the school reputable? What is the depth of the curricula?

美国高中现开设哪些课程?。What curricula are now offered in American senior high schools?

大部分人是希望在这里能赚取足够的钱,并且给自己的履历表添光加彩。Most expect to make good money and burnish their curricula vitae.

他们没有开发这些头脑的思维习惯强制遵循课程。They didn't develop those habits of mind by following mandated curricula.

我想进一步加强我们在科学与工程课程方面的工作。I want to further strengthen our work on science and engineering curricula.

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潜在课程是当今教学研究的一个新课题和热点。The potential curricula is a new task and hotspot of the current teaching research?

扬格剑桥国际中心认为,国际化趋势越来越明显,国际教育,势在必行。At Cambridge, the needs of global learners are central to all our curricula and assessments.

在新课程理念下物理学史比在传统教育中具有更多的教育功能。Compared to the traditional education, the new curricula present more educational functions.

情感、态度与价值观是新课程目标的重要组成部分。Emotion, attitude and values are the important parts of the objectives in the new curricula.

第二部分多元文化背景中的公民教育与社会科课程。Second, the citizen's education and social curricula against the background of globalization.

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在90年代早期,学校的课程中,学术课和政治课的比重相当。School curricula in the early 1990s are balanced between academic and political subject matter.

大学英语教学改革是一个系统工程,在这个系统中,课程体系是起关键作用的子系统。The college English teaching reform is a system, in which curricula system is a key sub-system.

之后在下学期从中选出七篇案例,针对另十位教师进行正式的「案例教学」。In the second semester, the selected curricula were then executed by 10 other in-service teachers.

在六、七十年代,高中课程里包括五年法语和三年英语。In the 60s and 70s, high-school curricula included five years of French and three years of English.

数学探究性学习是此次新课改及新教材中所体现的一个“亮点”。Mathematics inquiry learning is highlighted in the new curricula reform and new teaching materials.

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建议针对「乐于接纳」、「活出生命的价值」等青少年生命教育课程进行实证研究。More scientific-based researches for "acceptance" and "act valuable life" curricula were suggested.

类似的酒店和饭店学校的课程通常既包含教育类,也包含培训类。Such hotel and restaurant schools often include a mix of education and training in their curricula.

该英语课程是与现行课程内容和教材和谐地统一的。The English language packages are designed and created in harmony with existing curricula and textbooks.