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不过,此类煽动,不单为麦凯恩所独有。But the instigation isn't coming exclusively from McCain.

该模块将用于编译紧急情况触发模块。This will be used for compilation of our panic instigation module.

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因此,在男友怂恿下,她们愿意一起自拍性爱过程。Thus, in his instigation , they are willing to do the sexual process.

在库哈里的鼓动下,他到餐馆做了厨师学徒。At Kukhar's instigation he joined the restaurant as an apprentice chef.

昨日的暴乱是由一个不知名的政客煽动起来的。Yesterday's riot broke out at the instigation of an unknown politician.

最近,在我的出版商的鼓动下,我拍了一些照片。Recently, at the instigation of my publisher, I had some photographs taken.

甚至有网友开玩笑说,现在观众都被我这个“鬼子”策反了。Even friends joked that now the audience have been my "devils" instigation of.

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有关鼓动外国人入侵国家的罪行属于同一性质,因此亦应废除。The instigation offence should fall into the same category and should be repealed.

同时,还论述了承认过失教唆犯及过失帮助犯并无实际意义。Also discuss it is no practise sense for accepting the negligent instigation and helper.

在他的鼓动下,他们故意比规定的日期迟了两天献水。At his instigation , the water carriers deliberately delayed their delivery by two days.

江远涛与阿部机关长在喝酒庆祝他们策反成功的事情。Jiang Yuantao and a ministry in drinking to celebrate their instigation successful thing.

上述例子的严格规定与鼓动罪行的规定构成明显的对比。The stringent requirements of these examples stand in stark contrast to the instigation offence.

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在蒂里特的鼓动下,他的巡洋舰有好几艘在船首一五二毫米主炮上面安装了滑道。At Tyrwhitt's instigation a number of his cruisers were fitted with a ramp over the forward 6-inch gun.

教唆是一种特殊的犯罪方式,又是刑法制度上共同犯罪的一种分类。Instigation is a special mode of criminal act, as well as a category in the classification of complicity.

专家剖析,腋下夹书,双手前举时唆使人挺腰、挺胸。Expert analysis, armpit clip book, when the instigation of people held hands before the back straight, chest.

第五部分探讨了未遂教唆的责任问题,认为其犯罪性与可罚性应视情况而定。The writer thinks that we should treat non -pure chance of attempted instigation on the criminality and the penalty.

我这学期前前后后也买了三块,后来在朋友的怂恿下,就屁颠屁颠地去交了钱。Before and after this semester I have got a three, and later in the instigation of a friend , I go to pay for my watch happily.

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突然间,天空出现了乌云,大地卷起了狂风——蒋介石在帝国主义指使下背叛了革命,大屠杀开始了。Suddenly dark clouds obscure the sky at the instigation of the imperialists Chiang Kai-shek betrays the revolution. A massacre begins.

同时也不让客观环境的诱惑,蛊动等因素干扰我们的精气。过份浪费,消耗我们的精气。Meanwhile, he keeps the Qi from temptation and instigation by objective environment and wards off wasting and consuming the Qi too much.

服务发展、人才优先、以用为本、创新机制、高端引领、整体开发。Service the Development, Engage Talents, Position Talents, Restitute the System, Explore High Talents and Equalize the Overall Instigation.