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我负责的部分是开胃菜。My part is the appetizer.

您要开胃菜吗?Would you like any appetizer?

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请问先来点什么开胃头盘?What appetizer would you like?

您想要来一份开胃菜吗?Would you like to share an appetizer?

同朋友一起分享开胃品或甜点。Share an appetizer or a dessert with a friend.

我要一碗西红柿汤作前菜。I'll have a bowl of tomato soup as an appetizer.

我想要一份开胃菜与鱼餐。Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer.

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尝试订一份健康的开胃食品外加一碗汤或一份沙拉。Try ordering a healthy appetizer plus soup or salad.

是的。我先要一道玉黍螺开胃菜。Yes. I'd like to start with an appetizer of winkles.

自带你的健康主食或者开胃菜去聚会。Bring your own healthy entrée or appetizer to the party.

我想来一份开胃菜和肉盘,再来点鸡汤。I'd like appetizer and meat dish, with some chicken soup.

这样你第二天就可以将这些食物作为午餐的开胃菜。You can have it for lunch the next day or as an appetizer.

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来道莫泽雷勒干酪和番茄开胃菜怎么样?How about mozzarella cheese with tomatoes for an appetizer?

这道健康的开胃菜包含圣诞的所有颜色。This healthy appetizer includes all the colors of Christmas.

这样搭配以来就是一道美味的开胃菜,而且世界有名哟。It's a famous appetizer around the world, and it's very tasty.

请问你要不要先点头盘或汤?Would you like some soup or appetizer to start with you meal ?

你试图免费赠送的仅仅是道开胃小菜。What you’ve giving away for free has merely been the appetizer.

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是的。要两杯虾仁鸡尾酒和炸花生米来开胃。Yes. Two shrimp cocktails and some fried peanuts for appetizer.

汤是一餐的开胃佳品。Soup can serve as a great appetizer to a meal, or as an entree.

西餐的第一道菜是头盘,也称为开胃品。Western's first course is the first disc, also known as appetizer.