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禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。Law To impede or prohibit by estoppel.

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表见代理是代理制度的重要组成部分。Agency by estoppel is important composition of agent system.

任何主体信守自己的承诺及允诺后不得翻供。Any subject abide by its commitments and promissory estoppel.

我国保险法中没有规定弃权和禁反言规则。There are no waiver and estoppel rule in China's Insurance Law.

弃权和禁反言之间存在密切的联系,同时又有著本质的区别。There are close relations but also essential difference between the waiver and the estoppel.

此外,笔者在本章也详细阐述了弃权和禁止反言制度的区别与联系。Furthermore, the discrepancy and relation between Waiver and Estoppel are also discussed in detail.

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到20世纪,弃权和禁反言规则开始应用于保险法领域。In the 20th century, the waiver and the estoppel rule starts to be used in the insurance law field.

对等同原则的主张可以运用禁止反悔和公知技术进行抗辩。It can demur by using The Doctrine of Prosecution History Estoppel and prior art to the proposition of DOE.

最后,本文还对如何具体适用表见代理制度提出了相关的建议。Finally, the author presents the relevant suggestions to apply to the system of agency by estoppel properly.

没有执照,明示或暗示,禁止反言或其他任何知识产权所授予。No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.

请问是否可以主张禁止反悔,因为这至少是浪费了申请人的时间和金钱。Can we argue based on estoppel , I think the behavior of the examiner has wasted time and money of the applicant.

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英美两国契约法对“允诺禁反言”原则的适用不一样,对其法律性质的定位也不一样。The application and the nature of promissory estoppel is somewhat different in the contract law of the U. S. and U.

这个想法不容反悔或缔约过失责任,可用于制作过程中承担的义务前的合同谈判。The idea of estoppel or culpa in contrahendo, can be used to create obligations during pre-contractual negotiations.

“允诺禁反言”原则是作为传统的对价理论的对立面而产生的英美合同法概念。Promissory Estoppel is a doctrine in Anglo-American law of contracts as the supplement of the theory of consideration.

本文档未以禁止反言或其他方式授予任何知识产权的许可,无论是明示的还是暗示的。No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document.

“允诺禁反言”原则与大陆法系的缔约过失制度有相似之处,但更多的是不同,并有互补之作用。"Promissory estoppel"is different from the Culpa in Contrahendo, although there are some samilarities. and the two theories can work together.

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表见代理在性质上与无权代理和有权代理有着明显的差别,应属于一种独立类型的代理。Agency of estoppel is different from representative without authority and authorized agency in nature, and it is an independent kind of agency.

禁止反悔原则根源于普通法中的衡平观念,在大陆法系也可视为诚实信用原则的延伸。Principle of Estoppel is rooted in the balance view of common law. it can also be taken as the extension of integrity law in the civil law system.

我国法律有关表见代理的规定十分有限,直接导致了表见代理案件在法律适用上的混乱。The regulations on agency by estoppel in our country are limited, which lead to the confusion of law application in the cases of agency by estoppel.