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随后赛事转移到了加拉加斯西部城市马拉凯。The cup was moved to the city of Maracay, west of Caracas.

当表决开始时,许多拉斯加斯贫民区的人说会选择“是”。As the vote took place, many in the Caracas slum of Petare said they opted for "Yes."

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瓦尔纳,洛杉矶,加拉加斯,蒙特利尔,还有特拉维夫都在榜上。Varna, Los Angeles, Caracas , Montreal and Tel Aviv have also been included on the list.

雷蒙德先生在加拉加斯工业区的一处形似碉堡的总部工作。Mr. Redmond works from a headquarters resembling a bunker in an industrial part of Caracas.

在未来,如此极端的天气将会更频繁且更来势汹汹的重创加拉加斯。Such extreme weather is projected to hit Caracas more frequently and with increasing force.

马拉凯委内瑞拉北部一城市,在卡拉加斯西南偏西方。它是一个产牛中心。人口355,000。A city of northern Venezuela west-southwest of Caracas. It is a cattle center. Population, 355, 000.

1月31日,在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯在一场垒球比赛中大显身手。Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez catches the ball during a soft ball game in Caracas on January 31, 2009.

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加拉加斯市树立起了原油钻井台,用以纪念石油对委内瑞拉的重要性和石油带给这个国家的骄傲。A crude oil rig has been erected in Caracas to celebrate the national importance and pride in Venezuelan oil.

2005年1月29日,中国国家副主席曾庆红与委内瑞拉总统查韦斯在加拉加斯举行了会谈。Vice President Zeng Qinghong held talks with President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in Caracas on the 29th local time.

这封新邮件让我知道卡尔卡斯新闻报决定让内斯特于今天—十二月一日著手撰写。This new email let me know that El Diario de Caracas decided to let Valecillos go starting today, the first of December.

在委内瑞拉首都卡尔卡斯的一位可口可乐前雇员,在抗议中戴著一顶写著「不要喝可口可乐」的帽子。A former Coca-Cola employee wears a cap which reads "Don't drink Coca-cola" during a protest in Caracas October 23, 2006.

在委内瑞拉首都卡拉卡斯,学生出席由总统查维兹授予学位的仪式。Venezuelan students attend an event in which President Hugo Chavez delivered to them scholarships, in Caracas May 2, 2006.

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委内瑞拉官方媒体以查韦斯家人为消息源报道,总统将在两周内返回首都加拉加斯。Venezuela's Chavez family in the official media source for the news reports, the President will return in two weeks in Caracas.

在一份发给美联社的声明中,加拉加斯的美国大使馆对马林和古兹曼·马丁内斯的驱逐出境拍手喝彩。In a statement sent to The Associated Press, the U. S. Embassy in Caracas applauded the deportation of Marin and Guzman Martinez.

委内瑞拉的社会主义总统查韦斯,已经宣布取消最大反对党候选人,加拉加斯市长的参选资格。Mr Chávez, Venezuela’s socialist president, has manoeuvred to disqualify the most popular opposition candidate for mayor of Caracas.

现在人的生活节奏和生活方式改变,我不可能象孙中山的弃妇大老婆那样整天就是绣花玩。Bee responded by asking, "Where does this man live that he could be so foolish?" He was told that the man lived and worked in Caracas.

从山顶上鸟览整个加拉加斯,大量的人口仍然聚集在肮脏的住房条件之下的聚居区中。The mass of the population in Caracas remain trapped in squalid housing conditions in the 'barrios' on hill tops overlooking the city.

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专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到加拉加斯特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Caracas.

选举官员在午夜之后宣布了选举结果,此前首都加拉加斯附近地区的投票站推迟关闭。Election officials announced the results after midnight in Venezuela, following delays at polling stations outside the capital, Caracas.

这张照片的雀巢品牌的建设是从委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,必须最大的充气世界。This picture of a Nescafe branded building is from Venezuela's capital, Caracas , and must be among the largest inflatables in the world.