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还有小拐杖。A little cane.

藤条潮湿时易弯曲。Cane is pliable when wet.

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他还拿着根金头的手杖。He had a gold-headed cane.

他因作弊而受到笞杖抽打。He got the cane for cheating.

他坐在一把藤椅上。He is sitting on a cane chair.

他用手杖抽打那个小孩。He switched the boy with a cane.

一位老人在拄着拐走路。An old man was walking with a cane.

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他们一个星期能编制十把藤椅。They can cane ten chairs in a week.

他的手杖可代用棒球棒。His cane answered for a baseball bat.

而另一只手则拿着一支雪茄和一根拐杖。The other hand holds a cane and a cigar.

他老是颠仆,于是他买了一根拐杖。He kept tripping, so he purchased a cane.

甘蔗蟾蜍表面上绝对无害。Cane toads are seemingly innocuous enough.

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这些天,他夸耀着他的镶有象牙的手杖。He sports an ivory-handled cane these days.

珀西老太太把她的手杖放在身旁够得着的地方。Old Mrs. Pursey kept her cane within reach.

这就只是一个手拿藤条的老人的形象。This is an image of an old man with a cane.

专用于PVC导管。热缩管等管材或藤条。Apply to PVC pipe, heat-shrink pipe or cane.

他无聊地用手杖敲击自己的大腿。He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.

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很可能这个孩子国需要拄着一个拐杖才能走路。It's likely the boy king walked with a cane.

盲人用手杖敲击人行道。The blind man tapped his cane on the sidewalk.

他毫不畏缩地伸出手去挨藤条打。He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane.