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这是一个绝色灯火之城。The city is a confetti of lights.

也使用了五彩纸屑和锯木屑。Confetti and sawdust have also been used.

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人们向新婚夫妇撒彩色纸屑。People shower the newly-weds with confetti.

点击贝克和菲丝看看糖果飞出来。Click on Jake and Fizz to see the confetti fly!

婚礼上,我们向一对新人撒彩纸。We throw confetti over the new couple at the wedding.

五彩纸屑,彩带,蜡烛,这店�都有得卖。Confetti , streamers, candles are available in this shop.

竖起的油井架向欢呼的人群中喷洒着银色的纸屑。An oil derrick showered silver confetti on the whooping crowd.

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但是扔糖果的风俗并不来自意大利。The custom of throwing confetti however, does not come from Italy.

再次五彩纸屑和乘空气来的流者,然后规范经水路。Again confetti and streamers to come by air and then the canons by sea.

在教堂外,一阵雨点般的五彩纸屑撒落在一对新婚的新人身上。A shower of confetti fell on the newly-married couple outside the church.

你找到了783尼奥点数,红色特翼俚哔剥器,和一袋五彩纸屑!!!You find 783 Neopoints, a Red Pteri Clacker , also a Bag of Confetti ! ! !

她的成就使得伊拉克的群众在街上抛掷纸花,喊叫。Her achievement had crowds flinging confetti and chanting in Iraqi streets.

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一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。More than ton of confetti , little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.

一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。More than a ton of confetti , little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.

你现在这个“巅峰”状态可没法把我切成糖果。You couldn've chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip-top condition.

如果你是在巅峰状态的话,我现在已经被你剁成碎片了。You could have chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip top condition.

你绝对想不到这些炫目的纸屑彩纸南瓜都是从一元店里淘回来的!You would never guess that these sparkly confetti pumpkins are from the dollar store!

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新娘新郎从客人撒下的彩色纸屑中跑向汽车。The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of confetti thrown by the wedding guests.

他在那里站立了看我把它打开了,而且所有的五采在他身上落下的每件事物。While he stood there looking at everything I turned it on and all the confetti fell on him.

到室外一抛,纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.