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他们可能是残疾人。They may be handicapped.

他把车停到残疾人停车区。He parks in handicapped spaces.

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他的身高妨碍了他的发展。He was handicapped by his height.

看,那么多残废人。Look! So many handicapped people.

我们应该帮助残障人士。I agree that we have to help the handicapped.

所以英语本族语言者将会处于弱势。So native English speakers will be handicapped.

但我确实很赞同我们应该帮助残障人士。But I agree that we have to help the handicapped.

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残疾人体育事业逐步成长。The handicapped sports cause has gradually grown.

他从残疾人手中买奖券。He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people.

我求佛让我残缺的孩子健全。I asked Buddha to make my handicapped child whole.

代步车都是伟大的人谁使用被禁用。Cycling great for people who "use" the handicapped.

拉斯维加斯对失败者落井下石。Las Vegas handicapped the underdogs by a large margin.

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与她打字的技能相比,我们才是废人!We are all handicapped in comparison to her typing skills!

主人公弗雷斯。甘是个智商只要75地弱智儿童。Hero Fleiss. Gan is a IQ of 75 mentally handicapped children.

当时我们的大部份驱逐机仍被局限于短距离。Most of our pursuit planes were still handicapped by short range.

我在智障者的团契中发现了这点。I discovered that in my community with mentally handicapped people.

管他呢,霍公,我顶,尽管他被俱乐部的政策正逼向脑残。Either way, Hodgson, I believe, is being handicapped by club politics.

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即使是残疾人也不碍事,他们也可以在舞场上转动。Even the handicapped were not hampered from a roll on the dance floor.

社会形态工作者提议他们将其残疾儿送到福利院去。The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care.

穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support.