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这个印象只对了一半。That impression is half-right.

注意给人留个好印象。Try to make a good impression.

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你对济宁这座城市印象如何?You of jining city impression?

你对简的印象如何?What's your impression of Jane?

北京给你的印象是什么?Whats your impression of Beijing?

你对青浦的印象如何?。What is your impression of Qingpu?

毕竟,第一印象定江山。After all, the first impression it.

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这个遭遇留下了深刻印象。The encounters left a deep impression.

但我无法确定这一印象。But I couldn’t confirm this impression.

这个印象是文化遗产吗?Is that impression a cultural heritage?

我的印象是他反对这件事。My impression is that he is against is.

你对UCLA的第一印象是什么?What was your first impression of UCLA?

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你对剑桥学联的总体印象如何?What's your general impression of CSSA.

港翛对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。First impression of you is most lasting.

这就是我对他的第一印像。That was my first impression of the man.

王励对她印象十分良好。Wang Li had very good impression on her.

这次秋游给我留下了深刻的印象。This autumn left a deep impression on me.

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这样会给人造成错觉。This will give people a false impression.

你对洛蒂托的第一印象如何?What was your first impression of Lotito?

龙游给你的第一感觉是什么?What's your first impression of Longyou ?