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琴弓来回拉过Tremolo. Just sawing away there.

很好,最后是碎弓Sure. Okay, and then finally tremolo.

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我们会先听到碎弓,然后是小号We'll hear the tremolo and then the trumpet.

现在最流行的方法是断音练习。The most popular approach is the staccato tremolo.

如果谁的右手上下跳动,那么他的轮指一定有问题。For anybody who bounces, their tremolo will be a problem.

与其说手振音为振音,还不如说它是一种颤音。In fact, the hand vibrato is a tremolo rather than a vibrato.

当然了,论坛里可能也会有喜欢复音口琴的朋友帮助你。Of course, friends of the tremolo would help you in the forum.

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原来,沉闷的雨天也有颤音的琴弦抚出。In fact, boring rainy days also ask the tremolo of the strings.

哈哈,祝贺啊,我也是刚从24孔的换成10孔的。I just turned to the 10 hole harmonica from the 24 hole tremolo.

选择从三种类型的调制波形为颤音。Select from three types of modulation waveforms for the tremolo.

但有一天晚上,山姆走向窗口,毫不犹豫地发出的颤音。But one night, Sam walked to the window, hesitated to issue a tremolo.

哈,跟自己的身体玩颤音吗?真感人哪!嘻嘻嘻!Hah, playing a tremolo with your own body? That's quite impressive! Hehehe!

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是的,在4孔以上的部分10孔口琴和复音口琴基本上相同。It is true that the tremolo and the 10 hole harmonica tuned similarly form hole 4 and above.

所以你在复音口琴上的经验可以应用到10孔口琴上。So, you knowledge and experience form the tremolo can be applied to your new 10 hole harmonica.

引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo -- an enchanting sonority.

它们的声音像一种管乐,和鹤的声音相似,不过没有颤音。The sounds are like a kind of woodwind, the same as the sound of the cranes, but without the tremolo.

通常,吉他反复段落用快速碎拨和重度手掌闷音来达到冲击效果。Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect.

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女孩子们当然可以选择自己喜欢的乐器,学多中国乐手用复音口琴吹奏了动人而美妙的音乐。Girls can play any instrument that they wish! Many Chinese people play the tremolo harmonica, and make wonderful music with it.

我们今早的内容比较多,所以请快速为我们演奏一下音阶,揉弦,拨奏和碎弓We've got lots of things going on here this morning so just play a scale quickly and then vibrato, pizzicato and tremolo for us.

我们今早的内容比较多,所以请快速为我们演奏一下音阶,揉弦,拨奏和碎弓。We've got lots of things going on here this morning so just play a scale quickly and then vibrato, pizzicato and tremolo for us.