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Fennec还支持插件。Fennec will also offer support for plugins.

或许有一天,这种狐狸会成为可供商业流通的宠物主流之一呢!Someday, the Fennec Fox may become a mainstream commercially-available pet!

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这些可以在addons.mozilla.org新开辟的Fennec板块下载。These are available from a new Fennec section at the website.

安装完成后,我可以从程序菜单启动Fennec。After installing the package, I was able to launch Fennec from the application menu.

Beard认为即便是没有这些公司的合作,Fennec也有很大优势。However, even without those deals Beard said that one big advantage of Fennec is that it's easy to install.

这将为Fennec带来更好的体验,并解决部分性能上的限制。This will likely deliver a much better experience with Fennec and remove some of the performance limitations.

参与聚会的大部分人员是Fennec开发团队、附加组件开发人员、本地化人员和社区成员。Present were a large chunk of the Fennec development team, add-on developers, localisers, and community members.

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这些特性将Fennec带入一个与MicroB等基于Gecko、使用本地widget工具包的移动浏览器不同的层面。These aspects set Fennec apart from MicroB and other Gecko-based mobile browsers that are built using native widget toolkits.

1月20日一架欧直“小狐”AS550直升机在巴西里约热内卢州新富丽堡坠毁,三名巴西陆军士兵幸运地逃脱。Three Brazilian army crew members had a lucky escape when their Eurocopter AS550 Fennec helicopter crashed in Nova Friburgo on 20 January.

正如我们在alpha2评测中所说的,Fennec在网页内容显示方面使用了不同寻常的复合技术。As we described in our review of the second alpha, Fennec has adopted a somewhat unusual compositing technique to draw web content in the window.

新的BETA版终于在性能、可靠性和功能完整性方面达到了一定水平,能满足用户的日常使用。The new beta release finally delivers the level of performance, reliability, and functional completeness needed to make Fennec a practical choice for day-to-day use.

如果开发包有能力为火狐手机版登陆Android提供适当的条件,Android便将成为第二个支持Fennec的手机平台。If the Android NDK provides the proper capabilities for bringing the mobile version of Firefox to Android, that would only be the second mobile platform that Fennec supports.

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那里有少量很棒的Fennec扩展,其中有个扩展可以让用户在Fennec的网址条直接发送信息到Twitter上,还有一个增加了基本的手势操作。There are a handful of nice Fennec-specific extensions, such as one that allows users to post messages to Twitter from the Fennec URL bar and one that adds basic gesture support.

Fennec项目依靠强大的扩展性以及XUL在丰富移动用户界面方面的潜能扩展了Firefox生态系统。The Fennec project also provides the broader Firefox ecosystem with its powerful support for extensibility and the potential for leveraging XUL to build richer mobile user interfaces.

我们一直在跟踪Fennec的开发进度,去年4月推出首个产品原型,今年2月推出测试前预览版,3月中旬推出首个测试版。We've been tracking the progress of Fennec since its first prototype in April 2008, to the launch of the pre-alpha version in February this year, and the recent launch of the first beta in mid-March.