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你看的那本杂志我不喜欢。Esa revista que lees no me gusta.

照片由斯蒂芬妮·考娃雅,欧空局Photograph by Stephanie Corvaja, ESA

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欧洲航天局表示,这些干扰时常使卫星致盲。At times, it effectively blinded the satellite, ESA said.

欧洲航天局称,多亏了这次追查,事情开始柳暗花明了。Thanks to the crackdown, things are starting to improve, ESA said.

刘章,字克明,江左人。事湖南马氏。诗一首。Liu Zhang, the word Ke-ming, Esa people. Ma Hunan things. Write a poem.

联盟号在其他任务中搭载的宇航员是由欧空局挑选和安排的。Other Soyuz missions carried astronauts selected and sponsored by the ESA.

欧洲的“智能1号”2003年就进入了环月轨道,并且欧洲空间局拟定了新的计划。Europe's SMART-1 entered lunar orbit in 2003, and the ESA wants to go back.

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韦尔纳在欧洲航天局最近发布的一段视频中描述了这个提议中的“月球村”。Woerner describes the proposed Moon Village in a recent video released by the Esa.

哈勃太空望远镜是美国宇航局和欧洲空间局的国际合作项目。The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

欧洲空间局专门用作空间天体测量的伊巴谷卫星将于1988年上半年发射。The ESA astrometry satellite HIPPARCOS will be launched in the first part of 1988 or later.

仿真结果显示ESA算法是一种可行的算法。Simulation results show that the ESA outperforms Tree Splitting and FCFS Splitting Algorithm.

据欧洲航天局称,这可以反映出土壤中的水分和海洋中的盐份。This corresponds to the amount of moisture in soil and salinity in the ocean, according to ESA.

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欧洲空间局希望能在2016年在月球上建立“全球机器人村”,在2024年建立永久的人类基地。The ESA is hoping to build a "global robotic village" by 2016 and a permanent manned base by 2024.

ESA表示,它比之前设计的可回收式航天器更易操作更精密。It is more maneuverable and more precise than previous reusable spacecraft designs, according to ESA.

ESA声称在2009年12月已和意大利亚太空公司达成技术合作协议。ESA announced an agreement with Thales Alenia Space Italia in December 2009 to develop the technology.

这一水存在的证据,根据欧空局在6月24日所发布的声明,正是探测器发现的现象。That H2O signature, according to an ESA announcement on June 24, is precisely what the spacecraft found.

很显然地,这些是违背目前的就业服务法第六十条的规定。It is very clear that these are in violation of Art. 60 of the ESA in its present and not yet amended form.

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欧洲太空局发展亚雅利安一系列宇宙飞船,并支持在法属几内亚的发射装置。The ESA developed the Ariane series of space launch vehicles, and it supports a launch facility in French Guiana.

立法委员应该对这些问题有所了解,而反对就业服务法关于建立担保人制度的修法。Legislators should be also aware of these problems and be persuaded not to amend the ESA and impose a guarantor system.

欧空局和日本计划开发补给飞船,它们将由欧空局的阿丽亚娜-5运载火箭和日本的H-2A助推火箭送入太空。The ESA and Japan plan to develop supply vehicles to be launched on the ESA's Ariane 5 and Japan's H-2A booster rockets.