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怎样才是一个神所喜悦的好男人、好父亲、好丈夫?What is the Godly Manhood and Fatherhood and Husband-hood?

爸爸,我所有的为父之道都来自于您的恩赐。祝您爸爸节快乐。I own all of my skills of fatherhood to you Dad. Happy Father's Day.

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爸爸,我所有的为父之道都拜您所赐。祝你父亲节快乐。I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you, Dad. Happy Father's Day.

相反,父道是一段艰难的、值得一行的神秘之旅。Rather, fatherhood is a difficult, rewarding, and mysterious journey.

33岁的威廉王子动情地表示,为人父改变了他的生活。Prince William, 33, spoke movingly about how fatherhood has changed his life.

该资料支持计划当爸爸的患者可继续使用抗TNF治疗。The data support continuation of anti-TNF treatment when fatherhood is planned.

随着父亲角色的母性化,成千上万的男人们开始有了同样的体验。As fatherhood gradually becomes feminised, millions of men are experiencing this.

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28岁前,我一直都是一个学生,成为爸爸也是我的一项新的学习计划。I'd been a student till the age of 28 and fatherhood was my new programme of study.

古希腊的少年爱是决不会被认为是婚姻和做父亲的障碍。The ancient Greek paiderastia was never considered an obstacle to marriage and fatherhood.

亚瑟小子在参加“艾伦·狄金斯脱口秀”时对艾伦说了自己作为父亲的乐趣。Singer Usher opened up to Ellen on the "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" about the joys of fatherhood.

研究人员还声称,这种父性的“转变效应”在年龄较大的男人身上表现得更加明显。And the "transformative effect" of fatherhood is particularly apparent in older men, they claim.

为父之道可以深深改变一个父亲的生活,父亲也会深深地影响孩子的生活。Fatherhood changes one's life in very deep ways, and fathers can do the same for their children.

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亚瑟小子在参加“艾伦·狄金斯脱口秀”时对艾伦说了自己作为父亲的乐趣。Singer Usher opened up to Ellen on the "The Ellen De Generes Show" about the joys of fatherhood.

如果你的爱人怀孕了,你可以通过积极的准备来缓解初为人父的焦虑。If your partner is still pregnant, ease anxiety by actively preparing for fatherhood. For example

强调团结上帝的父亲和主权有争议的马吉安拒绝相同的。Emphasizing the unity of God's fatherhood and sovereignty disputed Marcion's rejection of the same.

父权研究所说,父亲的积极参与孩子的出生是非常有好处的。The Fatherhood Institute said the benefits of the father's active involvement from birth were profound.

通过这个网站我将会回答你关于父道以及成为一个新父亲意味着什么的所有问题。Throughout this site I will answer your questions about fatherhood and what being a new dad is all about.

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但我还是喜欢把父道看成是一段道路,因为它能与为父的实践产生共鸣。I like the idea of fatherhood as a way, however, because it resonates with the experiences of being a dad.

在英国广播公司的一部新记录片里,凯特王妃的丈夫大谈为人父如何改变了自己。In a new BBC documentary, Kate Middleton's husband explains the profound effect fatherhood has had on him.

而且,爸爸和妈妈不一样,在某种程度上来说,妈妈从孩子在子宫里开始孕育就已经逐渐熟悉了孩子,而男人的爸爸生涯却是突然降临的。And unlike moms, who to some extent get to know the baby in utero, dads meet fatherhood with a head-on crash.