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巴罗洛是意大利红葡萄酒之王。Barolo is the king of Italian red wines.

它是酿制巴罗洛和巴芭罗斯克葡萄酒的基本成分。It is the grape of Barolo and Barbaresco wines.

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巴洛罗位于皮尔蒙大区的西南部。Barolo is located in the southwest of Piedmont area.

该款酒表现出了典型巴罗露酒的艺术和贵族气派。This Barolo reflects the most typical style of the wines virtuosity and aristocracy.

客人可在巴罗洛餐厅品尝来自皮尔蒙特地区的传统意大利美食和餐厅酒窖珍藏的陈年葡萄酒。A wide selection of signature Barolo wines will be available from the wine cellar of the restaurant.

这个充满活力的,纯粹的巴罗洛需要瓶年龄走到一起,但它是一个宏伟的葡萄酒的决策。This vibrant, pure Barolo needs bottle age to come together, but it is a majestic wine in the making.

读者寻找根据雷达宝石只要看看比马马伦戈的壮美2004巴罗洛布鲁纳特。Readers looking for an under the radar gem need look no further than Marco Marengo's sublime 2004 Barolo Brunate.

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每年仅有10万瓶的巴罗罗酒皇干红出产,严格体现了他们品质至上的理念。Only 100 thousand bottles of Barolo wines are produced each year, reflecting their concept of quality above production.

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店为客人提供来自世界各地的美食体验。For dining experiences at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, guests can choose from Italian cuisine of the Piedmont region at Barolo.

之后茱莉亚和她的丈夫一度定居在都灵巴罗洛宫邸,他们不间断的工作,致力于帮助城市中最需要帮助人群的伟大事业中。Once settled in the Palazzo Barolo in Turin, Giulia and her husband worked incessantly to realize ambitious projects geared towards helping the city's most needy.