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来往车辆嘈杂的声浪使人头痛。The clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache.

有时候,可能不用吵吵闹闹、沸沸扬扬的就可以完成改革。Reform is sometimes possible without clamour and controversy.

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全军都开始叫嚷着要将壕堑填平。The whole army began to clamour for the fosse to be filled up.

全军都开始叫嚷著要将壕堑填平。The whole army began to clamour for the fosse to be filled up.

全军都开始叫嚷着要将壕堑填平。The whole army begins to clamour for the fos se to be filled up.

但他的这一呼吁声迅速地被来自国会的喧嚷声所掩盖了。But his calls were quickly overshadowed by the clamour from Congress.

河里岛上的鸭群,无缘无故地欢乐地吵闹。The ducks in the islands of the river clamour in joy for mere nothing.

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全球最富有创业精神的个体挤破头脑都想进美国。The most enterprising individuals on earth still clamour to come to America.

他们喧闹争吵,他们猜疑失望,他们争辩着却总是没有结果。The clamour and fight, the doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings.

太阳落山了,妈妈也吵着要上网,我就让给她了。The sun is setting, the mother also clamour for Internet access, I will let to her.

他们喧闹争吵,他们猜疑失望,他们争辩着却总是没有结果。The clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings.

在国家发展到这个阶段,我注意到,没有要求民主的呼声。I detected no great clamour for democracy at this stage in the country's development.

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他们喧哗争斗,他们怀疑失望,他们辩论而没有结果。THEY clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings.

至嚣被追问与至嬴决斗的真相,要再与至嬴竞赛。To clamour to win by questioning with a duel truth, again and to win the competition.

一个好吃醋的女人恶毒地漫骂起来,比一只疯狗咬人还要凶狠致命。The venomous clamour of a jealous woman is a more deadly poison than a mad dog's tooth.

至嚣向至嬴说出手伤早已康复,更向至嬴发出应战。To speak to the clamour to win ShouShang already rehabilitation, more to send to win a response.

人们吵着要把罪犯锁起来,然后把钥匙给丢掉,他们要求的是复仇和惩罚。People clamour to lock offenders up and throw away the key, they demand vengeance and retribution.

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板儿一见了,便吵着要肉吃,刘姥姥一巴掌打了他去。AT once Baner set up a clamour for some meAT, but his grandmother slapped him and told him to keep away.

至嚣对记者指至嬴缺乏经历,令至嬴对制造寿司失去自信心。To clamour to reporters refer to lack experience to win, make to win in manufacturing sushi lose self-confidence.

就好像最近闹得甚嚣尘上的“限娱令”,这是家长范儿十足的简单粗暴。Like the recent much cause a temporary clamour "limit entertainment order", which is the parent style very simple.