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罗拉演绎了她自编的硫黄岛战役。Lola shows us her own rendition of Iwo Jima.

他们将贝多芬的一篇交响曲演译得很优秀。They gave an excellent rendition of a Beethoven symphony.

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两个人而非我们是一种很危险的概念,很可怕的真我演奏。The two of the two is a precarious notion of rendition of self.

散文诗是一种咒语,能够编织梦想,让梦想进入更美妙的演奏中。Prose are an incantation that spells dreams into transfigurative rendition.

如果产品有图像,像我的杆机器人表演,那么它就出现了。If the product has an image, like my rendition of a stick-robot, it appears.

玛琳黛德丽延长她充分光荣的感表演。Marlene Dietrich extended in her full glory in a sensual artistic rendition.

而且出乎所有人的预料,奥巴马还没有禁止非常规引渡。And, against all expectations, Barack Obama has yet to ban extraordinary rendition.

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这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.

1970年,茱迪.哥连斯演唱的「奇异恩典」高踞北美流行榜头二十位。In 1970 Judy Collins's rendition of "Amazing Grace" was a top-20 hit in North America.

夫人,能否请您赏脸为我们私下唱一段呢?I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition?

他们背诵了一首散文诗,就像你从这篇文章看到的,是关于让他们俩演奏梦想,同步到真我之中。He recites a prose from an essay or two to rendition the dream back into synchronicity of self.

当排长把他的座位,一开始一个风笛五重奏移交“奇异恩典”。" As the platoon leader takes his seat, a bagpipe quintet begins a rendition of "Amazing Grace.

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联盟是需要梦想的演奏来培育的,他们各自都结了婚并且都处在别人的联盟中。The union requires a rendition of dream to foster. The two are each married and in union with another.

如果在发布期间某个简单文档没有一个转换文档,那么必须生成一个转换文档。If during publish time a simple document does not have a rendition, then a rendition for it is requested.

她轻松的催眠和观众与她的移交之夜的经典一天设置为拉丁节拍。She easily hypnotized audiences with her rendition of the classic Night And Day when set to a Latin beat.

前面的人,立刻让开,你们正在阻碍我们政府执行公务!Front of human, immediately tread alongside, you just at baffling we government rendition official commerce!

这块所谓的宇航飞船表内有一个从太空视角望去的翻版地球,每隔六十秒这个小地球会旋转一下。The so-called spaceship watch has a rendition of Earth as seen from space which rotates every sixty seconds.

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我们其实很难对历史赋予一个写实的样貌,就如同文化本身的厚度也难被秤重化。It is in fact difficult to grant a realistic rendition to history, just as the depth of culture is unquantifiable.

非常适合表现令人愉快的大自然绿的电影效果,适合突出表现天空的饱和蓝色。A very pleasing natural filmic look with very good green rendition and saturated blues that help in sky coloration.

老式的军事飞行员夹克一个普通的军事音轻移交作出任何好人寻找战斗准备。Vintage Military Bomber JacketA lighter rendition of a standard military tone makes any good guy look ready for battle.