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我一直想要一蹦蹦跳跳的狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我一直想要一条狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

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我一直想要一只激飞狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我一直想要一条长毛狗。I've always wanted a springer spaniel.

我们决定养一条斯伯林格斯班尼犬。We decided on an English springer spaniel.

杰里·斯普林格拉任过市长,电视台节目主持人,后又担任访谈节目主持人。Jerry Springer was a mayor, a television anchor, then a talk show host.

斯玛奇喜欢露西,一条成熟的斯伯林格斯班尼犬。Caspar, Nugget, Yank, Priscilla. Smudge loved Lucy, a more mature springer.

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施普林格一直以其高质量标准的出版物为荣。Springer takes great pride in the high quality requirements of our publications.

此时,兽医正在给我的13岁的斯普林格猎犬伊莎贝拉注射,让她安乐死。It is time for the vet to give my 13-year-old Springer Spaniel a lethal injection.

总是有大量的情形说明他们似乎属于不可靠的人。There is always some huge situation that seems as if it belongs on Jerry Springer.

英国史宾格犬的典型性情是友好、渴望快乐、易训化和愿意服从。The typical Springer is friendly, eager to please, quick to learn and willing to obey.

有多少人更希望看她在杰里·斯普林格脱口秀上狂扁她老公?How many of would you rather see her beat the crap out of her husband on 'Jerry Springer?

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几年前我爸爸给我妈妈买了一条叫“布茨”的猎作圣诞节礼物。My dad had bought a springer spaniel named Boots for my mom for a Christmas present a few years ago.

有多少人更希望看她在杰里·斯普林格脱口秀上狂扁她老公?How many of would you rather see her beat the crap out of her husband on 'Jerry Springer?'" --Jay Leno

斯普林格则坚持认为,霍亚是最后一个能被大众体育媒体倾心报道的拳手。Springer maintains that De La Hoya was the last boxer that was really covered by the general sports media.

威尔斯激飞猎犬显得比较长,是因为倾斜的前躯角度和发达的后躯的关系。The Welsh Springer Spaniels elbows should be close to the body and its pasterns short and slightly sloping.

陆汝钤,张松懋,从故事到动画片,全过程计算机辅助动画自动生成,自动化学报,待发表。Ruqian Lu & Songmao Zhang, Automatic generation of computer animation, LNAI 2160, Springer Verlag, to be published.

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这种病也容易出现在一些小一些的品种身上,例如“可卡犬、史宾格猎犬、一些杂交的狗狗也容易得。It can also be seen in smaller breeds such as the cocker spaniel and springer spaniel, as well as in mixed breed dogs.

这个手势在北美的意思是“停止”,或者,如果你是杰里里·斯普林格那个时代的孩子,你就知道这个手势就意味着“懒得理你”。We use this gesture in North America to say "stop, " or, if you're a child of the Jerry Springer era, "talk to the hand.

目前,施普林格每年出版5,500余种新书,是全球第一大科技图书出版公司。Currently, Springer publishes over 5,500 new titles every year and is the largest scientific book publisher in the world.