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一切准备好了,出发。All set to go.

制定一份计划表。Set a schedule.

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我有一台电视机。I hav'e a TV set.

建立时间限定。Set a time limit.

伟大的地图设计!Great set of maps.

新家具集。New furniture set.

肉冻凝结起来了。The jelly has set.

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然后他们出发。Then they set out.

一套瓷器。A set of chinaware.

一套餐具。A set of tableware.

你设定目标了吗?Have you set goals?

我摆好了三套餐具。I set three places.

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架设排排座椅。Set the benches up.

一是领办实体模式。Set up entity mode.

所以我设定在第二档。So I set mine to 2.

我喜欢这套茶具。I like this tea set.

为工作设定界限。Set limits for work.

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升帆并报告。Set sail and report.

她天一亮就出发了。She set out at dawn.

蠢人定约早。Fools set far trysts.