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它变成了一棵虚弱的小树苗。It becomes a weak, frail sapling.

它们开花,然后花凋残、落地。They flower, then fall flowers frail.

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细弱的支柱支撑着框缘。The frail columns bear the architrave.

他虚弱的手连杯子也拿不住。His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.

母亲看上去太年轻太虚弱了。The mother seemed too young and too frail.

情绪低落、感情脆弱。The fall in the blues, the sentiment are frail.

一个孱弱的女孩手里拿着跳绳,站在她面前,“我叫萨莉菲。”A frail girl stood in front of her. “I'm Sylvie.”

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说到这儿,他看上去像是个悲伤而虚弱的老人。For a moment, he looks like a sad, frail old man.

他通过电话采访了资深编辑T.He spoke with senior editor T. A. Frail by phone.

这只虚弱的猫咪被带到兽医处进行治疗。The frail cat was taken to the vet for treatment.

本可如何亮丽翩跹在绿色的海湾Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay

身形瘦弱的她有时只能喝水止饥。The frail Chen staved off hunger by drinking water.

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他们翩舞于绿色海湾的脆弱言行。Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay.

体弱儿,呼吸道反复感染者。Frail infants, repeated respiratory tract infection.

投下的影子如此柔弱,我几乎能看穿它们。Casting shadows so frail that I can see through them.

这生病的女人双手虚弱无力,几乎拿不住杯子。The sick woman's frail hands could hardly hold a cup.

见那个曾经伟岸的男人如此虚弱,真让人难过。It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail.

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如果只是一瞬间,撒旦突然看起来又老又脆弱。If only for a moment, Satan suddenly seems old and frail.

你的那粒脆弱的种子很快就被野草吞噬。Your frail little seedling would soon be choked by weeds.

这星光多么微弱,在任何老空间里弯曲!How frail is a ray of starlight, bending in any old space!