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死刑有什么不可替代的优越性?Any non-replaceable superiority of DS?

那它干麽说什麽社群的优越性?So what's this about community superiority?

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他们是神族的高级作战新单位。This is a new protoss air superiority fighter.

第十,孩子不懂优越感。The tenth is their ignor to superiority complex.

造成这种社会心理传统的原因是多方面的。Causes for the superiority complex is many -fold.

你有受自卑感或是优越感的折磨吗?Do you suffer from inferiority or superiority complex?

自我感觉优越并自鸣得意,这样的假设是很危险的。Here we are in danger of smugly supposing superiority.

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她的优势使她成为那种非常卓越的女性。Her superiority made her a very superior kind of women.

对美好生活的追求体现了人之为人的超越性。The pursuit of good life reflects the superiority of human.

“低能力者受制于其虚幻的优越感”。"low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority".

庞培有骑兵优势,他和恺撒都明白这一点。He had superiority in cavalry, both he and Ceasar knew that.

她满脑子充满着优越感。She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority.

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吸血鬼总是带有那么一点的优越感,呵呵。The vampires do have a bit of a superiority complex, heh heh.

CATIA在解决这类问题时显示出其优越性。CATIA displays the superiority in dealing with these problems.

技术优势和安全才是得到引证的最重要的利益。Technical superiority and security are the top benefits cited.

孤僻的男子在感情前低下了他高傲的头!The dissocial man lowers his head with superiority to the love!

也许,一股征服自我的优越感油然而生?Maybe there's a sense of superiority for conquering the craving?

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蓦然间回首,发现青春的宝贵,年少的优势。Suddenly looks back, discovery youth precious, young superiority.

整体优势呈中部地区强于沿海地区状况。The middle region has integrate superiority to coastal districts.

数值结果表明理性有限元的优越性质。Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the rational FEM.