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谁是长着羽毛的朋友,问问艾尔博就知道了。Feathery friends rule. Just ask J.

几片羽毛似的雪花轻轻落下,被车后的气流吹走。A few sparse, feathery flakes drifted into our slipstream and were swept away.

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随即那纤薄柔软的叶子的旁边便冒出了绿色液体的波纹。Ripples of light green liquor soon began to emerge from the thin, feathery leaf.

头项上带了一顶尖尖的不丑帽子,帽子顶上还有个金黄色的小绒球。On his head was perched the pointiest clown hat anyone had ever crowned by a feathery orange ball.

举例来说,有羽状触手的海洋动物海百合,就可追溯到4亿多年前。For instance, sea lilies, marine animals with feathery arms, date back more than 400 million years.

玲珑的雪花,一朵一朵优雅地落下,绽放出那绝世的美的温柔。The exquisite snowflakes, one after another, falling feathery . Blossoming out into the perfect beauty.

犹如薄纱那样展开它的柔软如羽毛的肢体,去捕捉浮游生物,这是在加勒比海的鳄鱼岛。A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands.

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使用有花和羽毛装饰的发带,会使你看起来更加俏皮活泼。Embrace a more playful and versatile appearance by piercing the floral or feathery headbands into your looks.

巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive.

他们还有一种轻如羽翼的质感,那就是将微笑和良好感觉带给同他们接触过的所有人。They have a light feathery touch to them that brings smiles and good feelings to everybody they come in contact with.

鸡毛掸子虫在用来过滤来自水的营养物的顶端上有一系列的生有羽毛的触须。The feather DUSTERLOH worms have a series of feathery tentacles on top that are used to filter nutrients from the water.

一副可怕的模样是墨西哥的蝾螈保留一些它的幼虫的特征为了生活,包括它的柔软如毛的粉红色外表的腮。The ghostly looking Mexican axolotl retains some of its larval features for life, including its feathery pink external gills.

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当然,石棉的危险羽毛的形状,是举世公认向肺部本身往往是可怕的后果。Of course the dangerous feathery shape of asbestos is widely recognised to lodge itself in the lungs with often dire consequences.

想让眉毛看起来自然,先用斜角型软眉刷涂上眉粉,再用干净的睫毛刷刷均匀。Keep the look natural by using an angled brow brush to apply powder in short feathery strokes and blend with a clean mascara brush.

另一方面,几乎没有潮人炫耀卡米拉帕克鲍勒斯嫁给查尔斯王子时带过的羽毛头饰。On the other hand, few young hipsters sport the feathery headdress that Camilla Parker-Bowles wore when she married Prince Charles.

我拿了我的帽子,走了四英里的路,刚刚到希斯克利夫师长教师家的花园门口,天上也飘起了雪花。I took my hat, and, after a four-miles' walk, arrived at Heathcliff's garden-gate just in time to escape the first feathery flakes of a snow-shower.

在羽毛高尔夫球时代,仅有两种高尔夫球杆被使用,一种是带有大凹杆面的沙铁杆,另一种是杆头很小的。Only two types of irons were used during the feathery ball era, the sand iron with a large concave face and the rut iron which had a very small head.

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另有一些表达动物概念的纱种,鸟类羽毛、兽毛及皮革等质感,可以是带斑点的,甚至印花图案,带出年少而狂野的生命力。Still others present animalistic aspects , with feathery , furry and leathery qualities , that can be spotted , dotted and printed like young wildlife.

任何一种属于铁线蕨属的各种蕨类植物,常长有呈微紫色至黑色的梗、羽毛状的复叶,以及纤细呈扇形的,边缘带有囊群的嫩芽。Any of various ferns of the genus Adiantum, having purplish to black stalks, usually feathery fronds, and delicate fan-shaped leaflets with marginal sori.

在轻柔的色彩的交织上运用金字塔、十字架和其他刚性几何形状增加了独特的历史感和文字符号。The utilizing of pyramids, crosses, and other rigid geometric shapes added a unique sense of history and character to the feathery blends of interwoven colors.