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把托儿所带回家中。Put a creche in your home.

这就像托儿所系统一样。This is like a creche system.

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我们有托儿所及照料儿童的服务。We have a crèche and childcare services.

那就是用泥土和木头做成的穆斯林圣人。The "crèche" is filled with clay or wood figures called "santons".

或者,每年购买一个托儿所马槽并在其底部写上日期。Or, buy one creche piece every year and write the date on the bottom.

大群体手工饲养,往往又被称为托儿所式饲养或军队式养殖。Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.

那俩个小孩在托儿所里没人看顾吗?那男孩的妈妈在那里呢???Were the 2 kids there in the creche unsupervised? Where was the boy's mum???

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在南极洲的冰原上,一群呀呀学语的企鹅仔的声音虽显嘈杂却十分柔和。It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded creche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.

在南极洲的冰原上,一群呀呀学语的企鹅仔的声音虽显嘈杂却十分柔和。It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded crèche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.

有良好的体格,适宜就读幼儿院或幼稚园。Is in good physical build-up and healthy enough for admission to a creche or kindergarten.

该教堂将被用于当地多信仰社会,作为一个托儿所和空间的休闲活动。The church will be used by the local multi-faith community, as a creche and space for leisure activities.

在孩子的卧室里启动他们的托儿所旅程,试着每天都向马槽靠近一点点。Start the Wise Men on their journey to the creche beginning in a child’s bedroom and move a little closer to the manger each day.

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幼儿园和孤儿院像是两个公寓,每个都能从前厅到达,两个功能的个性因此被延展了。The Kindergarden and the creche function like apartments and each are accessible from the foyer, strengthening the individuality of the two functions.

除了传统意义上的圣诞树之外,几乎每个法国家庭都会在圣诞之夜把“传家之宝”拿出来摆放,以此来庆祝圣诞节。In addition to the traditional Christmas tree, almost every French home displays a Nativity scene called "crèche", which is the home focus for the celebration.

尽管如此,每每当我察觉到我的孩子们和她们在女子学校和托儿所的所有朋友,几乎无一例外地追逐着这股狂热,我真是忧心忡忡。Nevertheless, this whole obsession, which my girls seem to share with all their female school and creche friends, is one that has always sat rather uneasily with me.

学龄前的儿童会被教导最基本的常识,而从六岁开始,他们就被鼓励去正规学校上学,即使他们继续得到托儿所的支持。The preschoolers are taught the basics and then from age six onwards they are encouraged to go to formal schools even as they continue getting the support they need at the creche.